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Posts posted by ma2016

  1. Hi everyone


    First time cruisers here!!


    Me and husband-to-be will be sailing with Royal Carribbean on Brilliance Of The Seas at the end of August/start of September through the Med for our honeymoon. (We couldn't decide on just one destination so thought we would do a cruise and see a few places!)


    Anyway just a few questions - I'm sure there will be more as the time approaches!!


    -We have pre-paid tips & gratuities. We have also bought a beer & wine package. With this in my mind, are we expected to tip over & above this and will the staff be aware of these prepayments and packages?


    -We were also wondering is it possible to bring any wine/prosecco/champagne on with us on embarkation day? I have seen posts about this on here but info seems very conflicting. We might, we might not. Just would be good to know.


    Thanks in advance :)

  2. Hi


    Me and my fiance (although he will be my husband when we're actually cruising) have just booked our first cruise for our honeymoon on Royal Carribbean Brilliance Of The Seas Med Cruise at the end of August, few days after we get married.


    Decide to ignore all the people who told us we are too young to cruise (we're 27 and 31) as we really wanted to experience it!


    Super excited but also a wee bit nervous having never had much boat experience before (aside from the Belfast-Liverpool boat on holiday when I was a kid & a dodgy half day trip in Portugal when the sailor kept letting other passengers steer the boat).


    Have spend several hours trawling this site over the last few days, lots of very helpful advice however few questions:


    -Is the tap water safe to drink onboard?


    -What time is embarkation/sailing time likely to be on first day? (Our flight times likely to be very early in morning from Dublin - Barcelona - but I am a real stickler for being on time)


    -Best remedies for sea sickness (other than trying not to think about it!)


    Many Thanks


    Mags (hailing from Ireland!)

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