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Posts posted by parisbound

  1. Tomorrow I finish my last workout of the 9 week challenge of Wii active 2. I love the results I am getting. It really works me hard. Now what to do? I cannot start a new challenge becasue I only have 4 weeks until I cruise. Any suggestions of what to do with the Wii active 2. How should I set up a routine that still motivates me?

  2. Yes, the 30 day challenge is part of the wii active. It still amazes me how it can tell if you are not doing the exercises perfectly! The 30 day challenge picks which excercises you are to do each day so that it concentrates more on either upper or lower body with the resistance bands and cardio and sometimes the wii board. It makes me run which I HATE. If I were picking the exercises I might be easier on myself sometimes, so I like that it makes me work.

  3. I am 3 weeks into the 30 day challenge. I get up at 5:30 to get it in every morning and then on rest days I either do the shred(just started) or the wii fit. I really like that the wii active goes through the workout without stopping like the wiifit in between exercises and keeps the journal for me to keep me honest with my diet. I also like the way it lets me put in the extra cardio I do in the journal. I am trying to up my metabolism so I do the treadmill at night.

    I really recommend the wii active if you are bored with the wii fit and for a better workout.

  4. Do any of you use Wii Active? I am doing the 30 day challenge and it is really kicking my butt! Makes me work harder than I want to which is what I need. Using it might solve the problem for the person who was saying that it took her 1 1/2 hours to do an hour of Wii because you are not switching controls as you switch from exercise to exercise as it tells you what to do.

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