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Posts posted by Jmicozzi

  1. We were told many different things that happened 1/30 morning.We arrived at 10:20 and the computers went down. Could not take any sea pass pictures at check in. Was told Indy came into the wrong dock so there were no customs agents at that dock or dock workers so they were scrambling.


    Also told us the Zumba cruise had issues with removing their equipment off the ship. Probably heard 10 other stories as well. RCC was horrible about keeping anyone updated.


    They brought out about 10 cases of water for 3600 people - good going! We were told they ran out of water. Felt so bad for the older people that were standing in line, it was so hot. Thank goodness it wasn't the summer or RCC would have had real trouble with people passing out. We had some, thankfully there wasn't more.

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