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Posts posted by Gulia35

  1. I have a question about the promotions for $50 shore excursion credit. Is it $50 per room or $50 per person. We are a family of four so $50 compared to $200 total per port x 4 ports $800 is a big deal to us. Any information is appreciated.


  2. We have booked 5:30 pm dining times for MDR on Liberty of the Seas for our cruise. How long does the meal usually take? Do you think we can still have time to see evening shows or will it be rushed meal? Also, can you order more than one appetizer or entree or desert if you wanted? Like if you wanted two appetizers but no entree and 2 deserts etc. Is that frowned upon? Any input is appreciated. Thanks.

  3. My husband and I are going on our first cruise out of Galveston in May on Liberty of the Seas. Was wondering when tipping waiters and cabin workers how much is average to tip and should you tip every night or at the end of the cruise. Also, if you buy drinks should you tip on top of the gratuity in the price each drink or what? And if so how much should you tip on top of the price.

    We are driving from Kansas 11.5 hour drive since it is way cheaper than flying but wanting to know if we should do self check at disembarkment or leave our luggage out the night before and wait for it the next morning. Is it really hard to carry two pieces of luggage around all morning or what. Want to get out asap since we have such a long drive afterwards. Any input is appreciated. Thanks.

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