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Posts posted by SugarFreeSheila

  1. Hello! I love this thread and have been catching up on it this morning. Just came back from a trip, and as of now, half of the photos from it have finally been added to my website - with more to come.


    So, how have all of you been doing? What workouts have you been trying, and do you have any cruises coming up? Lately, I've been on The Firm Get Chiseled (which I love), and have just ordered Jackie Warner's second workout DVD. :)



  2. Hi, everybody!! I have been sitting here with my scrambled eggs (I know it's a weird time to have them lol) reading all the posts since my last visit, and cannot believe how well you all are doing. Helping out and supporting all the newbies to attain what you all have, and that is just the most encouraging thing to see.


    I didn't jot down the name, but which of you has the 11 year-old Jack Russell? I have one myself!! Her name is Sassy, and she's napping right next to me.


    Annie3468: I love what your doctor says about Atkins being about eating the foods God has put here for us. Very well put!


    AngieB30401: how have you been doing on Atkins, and how are you feeling?


    Cerabella: I so hear you about the Chinese buffets. I love Japanese; but for some reason, the so-called "clean-prepared" fare at the former has me up 2 transient water weight pounds the next morning. Noooo, thanks.


    Has anyone tried the KFC grilled chicken? It seems to be hit or miss as far as location goes; for example, we don't visit the one by our house because the chicken there is noticeably drier. So, if you have given it a shot and it wasn't for you, please try another go at a different location. It shouldn't matter, but it seems to!


    I have a trip coming up this winter, and am super-excited about it!!! (I'm happy to share more details on this one on one.) I will be sure to film my next Short Tip Clip there as well - I'm due for a new one. :)


    It's too bad private messages are not offered on this forum; however, if you visit my website's FAQ page, both my direct e-mail address and number (about 80% down) are there if you would like to text me. The latter is purposely deeply-imbedded so that only those who've actually read the page are able to text me. lol If you do decide to text me, please feel free to send a face shot of yourself - I love that. When I see a face shot with your texts, it serves as an instantaneous memory jog of our previous correspondence, making everything quicker and more efficient - but it is no requisite. Of course with e-mails, please likewise feel free to send a TinyPic.com link of whatever photos you would like to show me. :)


    My current signature photo was taken by Moses, so I will finally be updating this next. Hope you are all keeping cool!!

  3. For that buff lil'guy at the vitamin store that said that 20 min isn't worth the work, ya gotta do 40.


    You handled him well, Jean. ;)


    Too many slim, fit people do 20 minutes of cardio a day for that to be true - and not even running at that. He was trying to apply what he feels he's obligated to do to be fit fit to everyone else. For me, abs are made in the kitchen; my thrice-a-week strength training (20. min each for upper & lower), cardio (20-25 min. walking), & ab regime (10 min.) is merely the icing on the physique cake.


    I think we all know that when it comes to cutting out starches & sugars, fitness is a whole new and advantage-filled ballgame.

  4. Happy (almost) New Year's Eve, everyone! That low-carb peanut butter fudge recipe is an excellent one, isn't it? Since finding it in 2007 on Low Carb Friends, my mom even demands it for her birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and wants it all to herself! lol It takes about 2 minutes to whip together, so the fudge is truly no bother at all. This last time, I used chocolate protein powder in lieu of the vanilla the recipe calls for, and it puts a nice spin. Something for others to try, maybe!


    I hope all of you are enjoying your holidays. Christmas was so beautiful this year. :)

  5. Oh, if this isn't the perfect place to post this, I don't know what is ... :D


    I just got back from a wonderful cruise (almost a month long!), & every morning, I had the following room service breakfast at 8 A.M:


    6-egg omelet with "extra" of the following: onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, cheddar cheese, Swiss cheese, sausage, avocado, & tomatoes. 3 sides included 4 sausage links, 7 pieces extra-crispy bacon, & a whole sliced avocado.


    Kept me full for hours! I cannot tell you how much I miss this breakfast. Seriously, I would hit the sack every night looking forward to it the next morning. :)


    Hope you all are staying warm!

  6. Thanks Cerabella

    Ok why do we check our ketosis? When do you do this? Where do you get the strips?


    For me, ketosis sticks came in handy in the very beginning when I was trying out new foods (e.g., restaurants) just to make sure what I was eating kept me on track ... and I've had a few surprises, too! You can find these at any drugstore, usually near the pharmacy.

  7. Hi, everybody! I wanted to check in and see how all of you are doing, and it is so nice to see the new faces. I hope all of you are doing well ... all ready for big rainstorm from Ike to get here!


    Recently I came across a product I found at the health food store in Oklahoma City and wanted to recommend it. The ingredients, nutrition information, and taste are all in check, and I just love these. As you can see, every carb gram is accounted for by fiber; you've gotta love that! (As I've stated before, I have no paid endorsements whatsoever - this company hasn't a clue who I am. I just love to share what I like!)





    I cannot find them in my area, but if you're in OKC, you can find them here: Health Food Center. This is probably the best health food store I've ever been to.


    Hope you are all having a nice Saturday!

  8. Hi, everybody! I wanted to drop in and see how everyone is doing, and ask you all about fluid consumption. Are you all drinking enough fluids?


    Gosh, it just hit me that this is the perfect forum to discuss this since this is, after all, a cruise board! ...


    When I sailed the Royal Caribbean, my main beverage was tea, since I avoid sodas and detest plain water. (I'm not a water purist, but my hat's off to those who are!) This ship's iced tea was probably among the best I've ever had. Well, afterward, I was informed that this was Lipton Instant Tea - instant! So, since then, I've been making a gallon of decaf Lipton instant tea at a time, sweetening it with half a Splenda QuickPack so I can easily pour-and-go later - and of course drinking it with a straw to save my teeth. :)


    I thought I'd pass this along! Hope you are all doing well and are having a nice week.


  9. Hi, everyone! I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I wanted to offer a recipe I tried from a low-carb message board that was a HUGE hit at Thanksgiving. The entire batch disappeared in less than half an hour.


    The recipe is not mine, but I sure wish it were!


    70-76 total carbs for the entire recipe, depending on which brand of peanut butter you use: 40 from the peanut butter if you use a brand that yields 5 total carbs per serving, 24 from the granular Splenda, 4 from the protein powder, and approximately 2 from the cream cheese.



  10. Hello, everybody - I am writing from the high seas! We've left Spain and have been heading towards Madeira. I brought along my laptop, as I always do when I travel, so I heartily welcome e-mails for "menu cleanup" from anyone who needs it, or tips, support, encouragement ... or just a listening ear. I'm here to help! I tackle e-mails in my room every morning before hitting the gym. The omelets here are wonderful, by the way!

    P.S: One thing I got a kick out of was that Halloween is celebrated in Europe - there were decorations in England, and little Parisian children trick-or-treating in costumes. Precious!! :)
  11. Broccoli, cauliflower, and pumpkin (all Induction-friendly) are what I consider Emergency Veggies for keeping regular. For a lot of people, salad (i.e., lettuce) just does not cut it for veggies - nor should it anyway, because there is such a plethora of vegetables permitted even during Induction. A great way to get in an extra 8 grams of fiber is by using a 12-ounce stir-fry bag of pre-washed veggies in either your stir-fry, or enjoyed with Ranch or Bleu Cheese dressing for dipping.


    A great fiber-rich nighttime snack is a Pumpkin Treat, made with half a can of pumpkin and a 3-ounce block of cream cheese softened in the microwave to desired heat, with a packet of Splenda and 1/8 teaspoon of ground cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice, and even a little nutmeg. If you like, add a couple of teaspoons of psyllium husk to this for an extra 8 grams of fiber.


    Also, remember to drink a ton of water!!!

  12. Sheila, I tried your mini pumpkin cheese cake yesterday and it was DELISH! I just added a few different spices. I also made whipped cream with heavy cream and splenda to go with it. SO YUMMY! Thank you.


    Please tell us what spices you added! Nothing beats making a recipe better by adding your own flair to it, so please share!


    P.S: There is nothing more exciting than putting on an outfit that may have been snug before but is now loose. Right before a big trip, no less!! Keep up the wonderful work. :)

  13. Actually, your Induction menu (veggie choices) sounds good to me. So long as you are sticking to the book's limits for cheeses and heavy creams, which are 4 ounces and 4 tablespoons respectively, and devoting the remainder of your 20 carbohydrates per day to the allotted non-starchy vegetables, you should be losing. Some people find that doing even the simplest things like nixing the sugar-free ketchup, or eliminating low-carb bars and/or low-carb tortillas or anything else not cited in the list, can really jump-start things. Of course, I do not assume that you are having such extras, but it's always worth mentioning just in case. Please keep all of us posted. :)

  14. Jbrambach, I am so sorry about the scale going up. But let's get to the root of the problem straight away so that you can get your losses resuming. Were you having the Induction shake with Eggbeaters, heavy cream, and cream cheese, or the S.O.S. Shake with post-Induction ingredients? It is best to stick with the finite list of allowable foods for Induction.


    Here is a list for the fridge: http://www.atkins.com/articles/atkins-phases/phase-one/acceptable-foods


    Here is a list for your wallet for grocery shopping and dining out!: http://www.geocities.com/tams58/4sidecard.gif


    You just might have to tweak a thing or two!


    NMCruzzin, so how did the Sugar-Free Green JELL-O Salad turn out? :)


    P.S: I finally saw The Pursuit of Happyness yesterday, and really loved it.

  15. Hello, how is everybody?!


    I wanted to offer links to some other relevant discussions on low-carb boards I have found to the effect of bleeding, and hope that they will be of some assistance. The recurring theme of what may be the culprit seems to be, of course, hormones. Best to double-check with your doctor on this just to be on the safe side. :)

    On another topic: if anyone is planning on dining at a restaurant and you are lost as far as what to order and want some tips, please feel free to post the URL for the menu. I love to offer my own ideas of what might be good, and hopefully this will be something to work with.


    To close, I would like to mention that I'll be on the Jewel of the Seas at the end of the month. It will be my first time on this cruise line as well. I am very excited!


    P.S: I personally am unable to taste Eggbeaters (pasteurized = no risk for Salmonella) in shakes at all. Another great way to bulk them up is to add tofu. The Mori-Nu brand yields only 8 total carbohydrates for the entire 12-ounce block! I use half (6 ounces) to bulk up one shake. Look for the Mori-Nu tofu with the shake illustration on the package. Also if you prefer soy, in lieu of water, you may consider West Soy Unsweetened soy milk at just 4 total carbohydrates per cup. Soy does not agree with everyone, so again, please check with your physician.

  16. Hello! So, tell me: are any of you as big on omelets as I am? Really, it is just about the only thing I can bring myself to have for breakfast on cruises, and I just love the omelet bar! I load them up with mushrooms, tomatoes, cheddar cheese, avocado if they have it, sausage, onions, peppers, and just about whatever else they offer. :) It's such a great thing to have if you've a long day of sightseeing ahead of you, as it sticks to your ribs for hours on end!

  17. Hello again!! Quick dining out idea: at Bennigan's today, I had the Grilled Salmon and substituted the rice pilaf for a double helping of broccoli. I asked for a side of butter for the latter, as well as a side of regular Ranch dressing - I'm big into dipping!



    Donnerpumpkin: your sausage muffins sound really good. Annie: making your own Ranch dressing at home is such a wise idea. I do this from time to time and use heavy cream in lieu of milk; it is sweet and so thick that if I turn the dish upside down, it stays. Not bad!


    The cruise that might happen is not set in stone at this point; but really, I was too excited at just the prospect of it to stay 100% quiet, so I just had to mention it. :) Cruises are such an amazingly fun experience for me, and I just get wistful when a new one might be on the horizon soon! My dream is to guest-speak on cruises - holding Q&A sessions, seminars, and making myself available to anyone anytime in the duration (not just during these sessions). What I do is such a passion for me that I would even do it for free. This is something I am looking into!

  18. All of you are so motivated! Every time I am on here, I practically hear the theme from Rocky; I cannot emphasize enough the importance of the "can-do" mentality that is so prevalent here. Attitude is every bit as vital as reading the book (knowledge) and having the right foods in the house (availability/readiness).


    Are there some of you here who go to parties and find yourselves making a bee line to the veggie platters because it's really the Ranch dip you like? That sounds like me. smile.gif So, what I like to do - especially if I'm traveling, concerned about getting in all my vegetables, and only a small refrigerator is available - is go to the supermarket and buy one of those $3.99 veggie platters to enjoy that day whenever I have a few minutes. I especially love the platters with the baby carrots.


    The entire veggie platter, even with the dip included, usually adds up to 15-25 total grams of carbohydrates, so this is a nice way to get your non-salad veggies in and have something different from salads. I wouldn't go near these platters without that dip! Or you can buy a bag of stir-fry veggies (15-20 total carbs) and use your own brand of dip if you are particular. On that note, Ken's Steakhouse Buttermilk Ranch, at ½ total carb per tablespoon, is the lowest-carb Ranch I have come across so far.


    By the way, if any of you are on Induction and experiencing stalls, please feel free to e-mail me directly. "Menu cleanups" is something I do all the time, and it brings me a lot of joy seeing Atkins followers' losses resuming in just a matter of days - it just requires a few tiny, doable tweaks here and there. I have made my own fair share of mistakes in the beginning, so please feel free to take advantage of what I've been through!


    Another quick tip for those who have Ralph's supermarket available in your area: try the amazing buffalo chicken wings, located in the deli near all the meats and cheeses. The ingredients pass and this really is an amazing snack with some bleu cheese dressing and celery.


    I am on Cloud 9 right now because ... though it has not yet set in stone ... I think I will be going on the cruise of my dreams several months from now - and what better place to mention this? :) The prospect is so exciting!!


    I hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday!

  19. I know this is a cruise board and all, but I am just so inspired by the amazingly positive attitudes here!! The gym is on the agenda tomorrow morning, and suddenly it does not seem to be a chore anymore, thanks to you!


    Here's another one of my drop-bomb, Atkins-related questions to help stir the pot:


    If anyone knows me, they know I am not into eggs at all unless they are jazzed up in a shake (via pasteurized Eggbeaters), pancakes, or by means of an omelet or deviled eggs. Many low-carbers prefer not to have eggs at all and go instead for a sort of dinner-for-breakfast option. I find my Cavewoman Ribs - spare ribs seasoned quickly & simply with plenty of pepper, minced onion and garlic, dash of liquid smoke, and 1-2 packets of Splenda on each side before sending them foil-covered to the oven at 350º until done - are excellent served cold the "morning after." Even better dipped in Ken's Steakhouse Buttermilk Ranch at ½ a total carb per tablespoon. Again, no endorsements here; I just love this dressing, and it is the only Ranch I ever have in my kitchen.




    So! If you are the Dinner-For-Breakfast type - even if only occasionally - tell us what you're into!!


    I hope everyone is having a nice week and losing readily. :)

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