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Posts posted by Yuzah

  1. I have almost finished the packing for my cruise and the only things left are the toiletries. I am confused whether I should take shower dispensers with me for the trip. The cruise provides soaps and shampoos but I am allergic to certain soaps and use only certain brands and I feel safer using my own. Is there any problem in taking shower dispensers for cruise or any particular specifications for which one to take? Mine is a Foam product ( http://www.dispenser.com/Foam_Dispenser_White/ ), is this one okay?

    I really need your advice on this, please help.

  2. I have only used my passport card once and to be honest I would not advice you to travel with just that and without the passport. There are risks and IF something terrible happens and you have to return immediately then this card won't be of much help to you.

  3. Hello guys, I am here because I read an interesting blog recently which was about the things one should not pack while moving. (Read it here: http://www.migsonstorage.com/blog/what-not-to-pack-while-moving/ ) I had read many blogs about the things we should pack but this is the first time I am reading one about the things we shouldn’t pack. Have you heard of this before? If you know some other things that shouldn’t be added please share them here. I would be really interesting to know these things.

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