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Posts posted by melmac22

  1. I don't have a lot to contribute as we are just getting ready to go ourselves this summer. If I had my choice, I wouldn't take a cruise with a toddler. 5-6 would be when I would start feeling good about a cruise as a family vacation option. But this is an extended family trip for us and the cruise is what my mother-in-law chose so I don't have much choice.


    Our little guy will be 18 mo when we go and he is so very active. There is no sit and play for even 5 minutes. But being too young for camp carnival and not allowed in the pools leaves me wondering what the heck we are going to do to keep him entertained. I have a feeling we are just going to be doing laps around the boat for 5 days lol. Ha maybe I can look at it as a workout cruise!


    I'm sure we will have fun in the end but I'm stressed about getting everything we will need down there, transportation/car seat issues, and the fact that we are going to pay a lot of money to do this and have to sit in our room when he goes to bed at 7pm (he is not flexible with bedtime :-( ) with little else to do.... at night

  2. I was curious if anyone left the stroller at home completely and just used a baby carrier? I have a breathable mesh carrier I wanted to bring and wondered if I could get by with just that? He can sleep in it and I don't have to worry about trying to maneuver a stroller around other people.


    Any baby wearers out there with insight!?

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