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Posts posted by twinkletoes204

  1. I'm glad that Chloe won. Her dresses were really beautiful. And that blue/teal colored fabric on the last dress that Grace wore....


    I was really underwhelmed with the others. While Daniel V. makes wonderful, sophisticated clothing...he still has plenty of time to carve a name for himself in the fashion industry. And Michael Kors basically told him that he would hire him.

    Santino's collection was....well....ok. I was in love with the dress that they showed on the first part of the finale. But that all changed after everything was down the runway...he really has no idea to dress a female in a way that actual fits! I'm glad he didn't win bc I would then have to swear off season 3.


    I'm thinking that the withdrawl from this show may be pretty bad...but I'm just gonna have to deal with it. I may have to record Tim Gunn impressions and play them when I get sad.


    But alas...I'll "carry on"! :D

  2. Thanks a lot Silver Anniv!! :rolleyes: "Daniel Franco...Where did you go-o-o?" And I have a running picture of Nick singing it behind his sewing machine.


    I, too, am a confessed Project Runway junkie. I don't think Wed. will be the same. The kitchen show they are trying to push just won't do it for me. And there is no Andrae...so I won't be watching.


    I'm torn at who will win. They are trying to paint Santino as some rebirthed saint...and I'm not buying it. His collection is GORGEOUS though. I just can't bear to start liking him this late in the game.

  3. What about Guadalupe? What was she on? That speech she made was really out there. Loved Tim's response.


    She was completely wasted!! Just the complete incoherency in her sentence construction was ridiculous - not to mention her random head nods and gestures in the background of the full shots during the show.


    While it was humerous to listen to her babble...I still don't get why ppl let themselves get that drunk...especially when taping a show for national television!! Oh, the questions of life! :rolleyes:

  4. I LOVE this show and personally enjoyed the reunion - esp. when they showed Santino's impression of Tim Gunn...that will never stop cracking me up! I can't stand Santino as a person, but that was just too funny.


    Did anyone catch the clip from the ousted Daniel, when he said I love you Heidi, .... silence... did you see his face fall? I wonder if there really was silence or if that's just editing?


    :eek: That had to be the most awkward clip in the whole show. I was forcing my bf to watch it with me and he even said that it was horrible. We agreed that the editors must have had a field day with that part. Something along the lines of "Whoa...Daniel Franco is really creepy here. Let's keep it in!"

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