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Posts posted by fwphoto

  1. Thanks tv24 for the weather report from the last WB crossing. It looks to be a little chilly this time, too. At least it looks like London & Southampton will be cool before we leave.


    All good, though! Might throw in an extra pair of "smart" jeans :-) at the last minute & plan a sweatshirt purchase in London for the trip. (Maybe a nice QM2 sweatshirt from the gift shop?)


    Take care,



  2. I've always said if you're going to do something, do it right!


    Its hard to figure out what the weather might be, though, when you're in the middle of the Atlantic. I know it can vary greatly, but I'm thinking it will still be a bit cool out there, even midday. I guess I'll know soon enough!


    Take care,



  3. Thanks for the reply!


    We are on the next WB TA from Southampton to NYC. We leave a week from today.


    Just trying to get the packing done before flying to England! :-) Spending a few days in London before jumping on the QM2. Trying to keep the weight down.



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