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Posts posted by TerekhovTravel

  1. Hi, my husband and I are considering taking a river cruise with Vantage Deluxe travel. I've read in a couple of places that they cater to seniors and more mature crowds.

    We are in our early 30's, not party animals anymore, but also don't want to be stuck on the boat with 60'something ...

    any feedback from anyone who's been on cruises with Vantage?

  2. hi, we are trying to decide whether a ferry to Sorrento is worth it.


    we are in port 7am to 7pm and want to visit Sorrento and Pompeii.

    option 1 is to take the train to Sorrento and then train back to Naples stopping in Pompeii.

    option 2 is to take a ferry to Sorrento and then train to Pompeii and train to Naples.


    ferry sounds like a better experience, we get to see amalfi coast etc ... however, I've read some awful reviews about the ferry service and how unreliable it is. Did anyone have any issues with ferries? I've read that departure docks change with no announcement, so you miss the ferry, that staff is extremely rude and unhelpful and that sometimes even with tickets bought online and printed, they tell you it's not valid ...

    don't really want to ruin our only day at amalfi coast with issues like that ;((

  3. Hi,

    My parents will be in Livorno on Aug 25th for the first time (first time cruising also)

    I am looking to book them a tour of Pisa and Florence in a small group.

    I joined the roll-call for their ship (Norwegian Epic leaving Rome 8/24), but there isn't much action there.

    All of my google searched and thread readings only result in private tour companies that run $450+ for 3 people (and since there are only 4 ppl in the cruise's roll call, I don't anticipate finding 8+people to fill up the van 3 weeks before sailing).

    So .. I'm looking for companies that do group tours (preferably small group) that would be affordable (their last option is cruise's self-tour for $139/pp which is a bit steep).

    I found cruising excursions website, it it turns out they have awful reviews and are just a middle-man.

    I also contacted italytours.eu, which seem to get wonderful reviews, however they don't have enough ppl for the shared excursion in Livorno ... I put my parents down on the wait list, hoping that it will fill up ... but I don't want to wait until the last minute ;((

    I tried searching the boards here and TA, can't seem to find many options for tours, just private groups :((


    Please recommend local companies that are reliable and affordable!! thank you

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