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Posts posted by roll-tide-mom4

  1. We LOVED the Rock Shrimp at Florida's Seafood Bar & Grill. A very "lively" family type joint, noisy, bright, fun florida decor. But what we really loved was the sweet little rock shrimp they served in a number of different flavors! Yum!

    Rock shrimp is amazing! What a shame that it's only seasonal, right? :( Maybe they'll have it next time I'm in town. Where is Florida's Seafood Bar & Grill in relation to the port?

    Grill's seared tuna is to die for, if you get the opportunity to try it. Actually, seared tuna in general is great! I bet loads of restaurants have it in the area, with the port right there

  2. I know nothing about the veteran saga, but I saw one of Lots of Honor's latest vans recently:


    Sweet ride and it appears to be wheel-chair accessible! This looks much better than the older dark van they had when they opened!



    Wow! What an improvement, I agree! I didn't see this van last time I was there, so it's nice to know that they're buying bigger vans. It's the little things, haha

  3. Hey, everybody! I know it's been a while but I wanted to check in and say that I went to Grills after overthinking it way too long (lol)!

    It was AMAZING. Great atmosphere, not too pricey, and perfect at sundown for a romantic yet laid back evening. So many great recommendations to try, though! Def going to check out others over the summer. :)

  4. Everyone's got bad reviews and good reviews, so it's good that you're checking here to get some more opinions.

    I've parked at a couple of the parking places at the Port. I wouldn't recommend park n cruise as my husband and I have had problems with getting things like car covers actually put on. it's a little dishonest that they didn't have a car cover on our car for the whole trip and then they didn't refund us the cover cost. Not the biggest deal in the world, but it was really frustrating and we looked elsewhere after that for our parking. Their vans are huge, though.

    I would recommend the parking lot that's a little further away (and smaller), Lots of Honor. Yeah, they are veteran owned and you can see that on thier yelp page, so I'm not sure where that rumor has come from lol. Even though they are smaller and newer, I've really enjoyed their parking. Always nice and ready to help, and by far a better price than most of the hotels or the port. Jerry is their main guy, and he is an absolute ball. Even if traffic is bad, he's great to talk to and works hard to make sure that you get to the port. I've had them go out of their way to help us with late arrivals, late departures, crying kids, etc. Definitely a family-friendly place.

    528 parking is the furthest away, and i think they are the smallest, but they have the lowest price that I've seen. I haven't parked with them because of that, but you can always give them a try.

    SteerageJoe's got a great, big list somehwere (I've seen it several times), and I would recommend trying out a few places if you sail from canaveral often. You won't know if a place is good for you and your family until you've tried it!

  5. They left us stranded, took the phone off the hook and we had to spend $40 on a cab to get there. Now they claim I was offered my cab fare and a refund, lies. Now they offered me 3 days free next time, 7 days free would not be worth it. Don't buy into the military service BS, just another business run by a family and kids.


    So, I don't usually go around defending businesses as I think people are smart enough to make their own decisions about their opinions on places like this, but I gotta say, you seem seems totally wrong, sbinatl! My family has already used Lots of Honor TWICE since they were recommended to me, and I've been overwhelmed with how awesome and nice they were. Plus, their prices are GREAT, I can't even tell you guys how great. There are two really nice, polite, friendly folks there, Pam and Gerry, and I would recommend parking with Lots of Honor just to get to talk to them, they are so nice.

    SO, I don't know what kind of bad day you were having, but this place is nothing like you said. Just look at their reviews and you'll know that they aren't just some kids and family runing the joint (though it is a military family-run business, GO MOM AND POP PLACES!) it's a real, awesome place to park. Everyone else, try it and you wont be disapointed

  6. Oh my gosh! This looks amazing. I'm so excited I caught this because I really was looking for something to take my kids to this next time down, and this looks like something they'd love (and heck, so would me and my husband, tbh!)


    Thanks for an awesome update on what's up at Port Canaveral/surrounding :)

  7. Wow! Thank you guys so much! So many great options around there, I had no idea. I may try to convince my husband to come here for two days just so we can try more than one


    So far, I think that I'm leaning towards Fishlips, Fat Snook, or Grills just based on your recommendations. Sounds like you guys like all three alot


    And if we go to Grills, I'm def getting the lionfish, Capt_BJ! That sounds awesome, and I've never seen that before. Which means I've never eaten it, and I think both my hubby adn I will be really pumped to try it


    Thanks guys and happy cruising! :D

  8. So, next January, I'm taking my husband on a cruise for our anniversary, but I want to take a night before the cruise and get a nice beachside hotel room, take him to a couple cool local places, yada yada, but I have all that picked out. I was really hoping for some good restaurant suggestions for port canaveral or somewhere nearby that we can go for a great meal!


    HAs anybody been around there and have any good suggestions? No food allergies or anything fancy. We love all different kinds of food and are up for trying something new too!


    Thank you guys for anything you think might be good :)

  9. I'm interested in what you say too! I've never booked with them before, but I have booked with a couple of the ones in that area. Are they the same as park port canaveral? they look like they're in a different location. not sure that their advertised distance from the port is accurte, but honestly it doesn't make too much of a difference as long as you get there early enough.


    Last week, I booked with these guys: www.lotsofhonor.com and they were really cheap and the people were awesome! I hated the company that used to be in their location, but now I'm really happy these guys are doing well and are giving a new name for that place. Definitely check them out for the future.


    Again, let us know about go port canaveral, that's a great deal! hope they keep it around for me to potentially try it.

  10. My family and i (two kids and two adults) sometimes fly down to Orlando for cruises, and I can say that the car rentals or shuttle reservations are both pretty comfortable and easy. Not to mention the prices are better than any other options you'll find. I agree with JohninDC thouhg: don't do car rental back! we almost missed our flight once and we went with a shuttle company both times after that

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