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Posts posted by okiegreen

  1. Notamermaid you are a jewel. Thank you for all the info. Can you do a non Celsius American a favor and show an easy way to translate C into F? While I am asking dumb questions, when you list the water levels, can you tell me what is normal? High or Low? Thank you in advance.

    Also, I found a new weather site that is quite good Weatherspark.com

  2. We didn't make it to Regensburg on our itinerary :-( I'd like to visit the Christmas Market there! I'll see if I can find the photo of my favorite wurst...


    My husband adores the smoked beer of Bamberg. No one else does (I don't!) So he cleaned up getting all the free bottles we were provided as part of the cruise tour that no one else wanted. We filled our cabin!


    We mostly missed the Christmas Market at Bamberg because we stopped on a Sunday and left just as it was opening. I ran over early to see if I could grab a wurst there and also found mulled beer that was delicious - it tasted like Belgian kriek (also an acquired taste, but I studied in Belgium and I love it!)


    OK, so we got distracted about wurst, but back to beer. Could your husband (or anyone else) give me a few recommendations for Bamberg's smoked beer?

  3. Mike, I have the same question. I feel like I could do my own Kolsch beer tour and get back to the boat for dinner saving the better part of $89. I have an article from the May/June 2017 Zymurgy (Home Brew) magazine that describes where to go in Cologne. We are on the Baldur leaving Budapest on 9/24.

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