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Pammy s

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Posts posted by Pammy s

  1. I am finally home after being on the Coral Princess.  I have been reading thru all the post, not sure if I clearly understand the true numbers for some of the things happened.


    I am just trying to get more accurate number understanding of status of things that have happen:


    * Have many passengers and crew remind on the ship?

    * Am I correct 3 passengers passed away?

    *How many passengers and/or crew members were taken to the hospital  for medical treatment from the ship?

    *How many passengers and/or crew remind on the ship sick?

    • Like 4
  2. Happy to say we got our charter flight information.  We will be leaving today.


    Wish every fellow Coral Princess passengers good luck on a safe homeward trip.  Praying for everyone to return home safely and healthy.


    And for those that are sick praying for their speedy recovery.  And for fellow passengers/crew we have lost, I'm deeply sadden by the losses of fellow passengers/crew.  I express my sincere sympathy to everyones family.   

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  3. 7 minutes ago, millybess said:

    I agree with you Pammy and would ask if you have had any health checks while on board, e.g., temperature checks?


    I only had my temperature check once while on the ship.  The day they called each floor to the medical center for a temperature check.  The morning that they woke everyone up around 3:30am, they said Argentina was coming to the staterooms to check everyone's temperature.  But, the Argentina officials never made it to my statement.

  4. I am on Coral Princess and have heard nothing about getting off the ship yet.


    This cruise started out beautifully and now is a nightmare.


    The beginning of the cruise everyone on this ship seemed healthy.  I understand the coronavirus can spread quickly.  But, I am just wondering if any of the individuals that are sick have any thing in common.  For example, are the individuals that have become sick with the coronavirus by any chance the group of individuals that got off the ship at Buenos Aires and missed flights and then came back to the ship?  Are the individuals that have developed coronavirus have anything in common?  Besides just being on the Coral Princess.  Did the individuals do any specific group tours together? Did they participate in any of the same activities on the ship?


    If the individuals that have gotten sick, have anything in common, I think we should know.  Others of us might find out that we may be a carrier of the coronavirus and not know it and take it home to our families when we finally get home.

    • Like 2
  5. I am on the Coral Princess.  Thank you everyone for all the Coral Princess related post.


    I am so glad to hear fellow passengers have started to leave.  Can not see passengers leaving, we are on Starboard side.  We really need to hear an update from our Captain.  

    • Like 3
  6.  Up until now I've been happy with Princess on the way they are handling the cruise in the condition of the quickly spreading of the coronavirus.  And I thought they were doing an amazing job thru this difficult time.  The crew is working so hard to make everyone so comfortable.  Yesterday, they moved all passengers from inside cabin or port hole window to balconies.  A nice gesture.  We had no one on the right side of our cabin.  But, had many other nice balcony neighbors.  Our balcony was peaceful, relaxing and quiet.  


    Now they have moved an loud and rude person along side of us.  They cannot get on the phone unless they are using their speaker loudly and seem to be yelling as they talk into the phone.  Many of us nearby are unable to have private conversations or even talk to our friends in other balconies.  Plainly can not hear each other speak without their voice over powering our conversations.  But, I can deal with that.  I understand some people are not happy unless everyone can hear their conversations and need to be the center of everything.


    Then their is the part I am upset about.  They moved sick passengers next door.  The loud balcony person is coughing up a storm and has a partner in the room that appears to be too sick to get out of bed.  The balconies, even though private are close.  The air particles can easily move one balcony to the next.  This virus appears to be able to spread so rapidly and fast, I am concerned.  Why is Princess moving sick passengers into areas where healthy passengers are located?  I called Guest Services, they acknowledged that sick and healthy passengers were moved. But, she pointed out that everyone is quarantined.  But, I said the balconies are so close together.  Why would Princess move sick passengers in the same area of passengers that are well and healthy?  Guest Services seemed unconcerned and stated their was nothing she was going to do.  I would of thought it would be common sense to keep sick passengers way from healthy passengers.  I feel bad for the sick passengers, but you also have issues of the air quality moving between cabins.  I even feel bad for the Stateroom Attendant, when these passengers were moved, they cause quite a stir and everyone around knew they needed help by the Stateroom Attendant, he is doing a terrific job.  But, it is not fair for him to be put in the place of moving someone is sick with all their luggage and personal belongings.  He is being put a risk as well.  


    I am not one to complain normally.  And, yes their is a lot I do not know about the spread of coronavirus, and even the medical professionals are learning more and more every day.  And I hope I am wrong, on my concerns.  It just does not seem right or a proper procedure to move sick passengers into the general area of healthy passengers.  I am not saying they should not be moved to a balcony.  They need to be moved to a balcony away from healthy passengers.  Which I think would be idea.  I now understand better why so many Princess Ships has had so many issues, they are mixing healthy and sick passengers to close together.  

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