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Posts posted by someone92636

  1. The reason some may consider you a chair hog: you and your dad got up early to go put stuff on loungers and then left to go get coffee... To avoid the appearance of being a hog, one of you should have stayed with the loungers while the other went for coffee. If you just leave stuff on the loungers and leave early in the AM, no one knows when you are coming back, hence the hog attribution.


    I appreciate what you are saying and agree completely. However, the specifics of the day were this: nobody was there when I get there because this was the first thing I did after waking up (before 8am). I was back from the beverage station within 15 minutes. I would have liked to travel back immediately, but spilling a cup of hot water all over the place going up 4 decks doesn't leave much to drink. And really, literally, nobody was there when I got back because it was currently raining, but I stayed anyway because my chair was covered. Other guy showed up much later. So nobody was around to be offended by what I was doing because it was early and raining. Therefore, no foul on my part. I tried my hardest to be extra polite to everyone on this trip whenever I could.

  2. Some here would say you are a chair hog.


    Can't tell if you're mistaken or serious, but this was my first cruise and only negative experience during it. Sitting in a chair all day the previous day was easy because most people had gotten off at grand Turk instead of staying on the ship. I knew the sea day was going to be more difficult to find a spot, so I got there early. The other guy had the same idea: get there early, go get caffeine and come back. I got back far sooner than he did. If it's at all relative, I'd say what he did was far more unacceptable than anything I had done. I was actively using the chair, and he just wanted me to leave so he could hold it as a second chair for people who were not there. These chairs are big - once I moved to the spot my dad had dropped his stuff at, my sister and brother in law were also using it with us, so five people alternating on one chair. And I was at least civil about it.

  3. Carnival Vista, yesterday. Woke up early and went with my dad to the top floor to drop off a towel and a bag on one of the large sun loungers. He put his on another chair elsewhere. The chair I had sat in for at least five hours the previous day had a hat and two towel animals in it, so I took the one next to it. We went to get caffeine from the lido deck and it started raining. I went back to check my bag (had some electronics) but it was in a covered spot so I wasn't too worried. I now noticed a sudoku book shoved in the corner of the chair (remember these are maybe 3-4 feet in diameter). Apparently I had missed it earlier; a towel would have been easier to spot. I lied down and closed my eyes, then got up to get a second towel once the crew made them available. Half hour or so goes by, rain has stopped. Old man kicks my leg and starts accusing me of "moving his ****" and acted extremely rude. He had the hat and towels from the adjacent chair, but also the book on my chair. He couldn't find the rest of his belongings (either reserving a third chair or someone kindly had moved his other paperback out of the rain for him, or hadn't noticed it like me. I pointed to the sudoku book and offered no indication that I would be getting up so that he could have two chairs,. He kept swearing about "people moving my ****". A while later his wife arrived and I told her "I moved nothing." Another chair over they had the other book and gave it to her. He started complaining about me to his wife, saying how he'd be moving my **** like how I moved his **** as soon as I got up for a drink of water. Sitting there listening to his complaints was ruining my morning but I lied there until I had to go to the bathroom. I put my shoes on and started to walk away and he started yelling to me "Hey come get your **** or I'll move it." I told him I was just going to the bathroom but he didn't care; this was his chair. I grabbed my bag and told him I would be moving just so that I wouldn't have to deal with him. Nothing but polite concise statements, as my throat was sore and voice was hoarse. He couldn't conceive that I had not moved or touched his belongings, so it was fair to threaten to move my stuff. I walked to the other side where my dad had his chair and dropped my stuff off there and got in the hot tub with my parents and another man and told them what had happened.


    Short version: I lie in a chair for a half an hour and a guy thinks he reserved 2-3 large sun loungers meant for 2-3 people each with two books and a hat, then swears and accuses me repeatedly of moving his belongings when he can't find them, ultimately forcing me to move despite having no real need for my chair besides reserving it for his friends who hadn't yet arrived.

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