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Posts posted by MissLioness

  1. Do you mean not liking chocolate? Ugh, it makes me think of biting into a candle - all waxy and bitter. I have tried some of the best chocolate in the world (Belgian, etc.) and it all sickens me - even the smell! I feel that way about coffee as does my hubby. Folks who stay with us have to BYOC - Bring Your Own Coffee!
    Wow... two of the three C's to life. :D Perhaps your taste buds don't work, because good chocolate should not be bitter, or waxy, and the texture should NEVER resemble that of a candle!!!! But, to each, his own ;) that's what makes us individuals


    ... the only waxy bitter chocolate I've ever had was when I was a child, I took a bite of unsweetened bakers chocolate right throught the waxed paper in which it was wrapped!!!:rolleyes:


    ... so I guess you wouln't even try a chocolate covered coffee bean!!!


    ... the other 'C"... oh, that's cold beer. :cool:

  2. We also got our large insulated mugs at Wal-Mart. They are great also!! Wouldn't cruise without them!! I know that the mugs will be harder to find than the shoe rack!! We've had our mugs for quite a while, but I saw some earlier this year at Wal-Mart that were really huge!! Ours are really large also, but the ones I saw had pockets, etc. on them. Great cruise mugs!!!! Good luck finding some!


    :eek: Wait.. I thought I read that you saw a mug with pockets and more? I'm thinking that if somone has a mug so big it needs pockets, that person needs to... well, let's just say they need to re-evaluate some things! Don't get me wrong.. I'm all about a good sized mug, but sometimes you gotta admint, Ameicans take supersized a wee bit too far.


    What has it come to that mugs are now being transformed into purses with drink compartments and straws... I can see the conversations now... "Oh, honey, don't forget the mug, it's got my wallet in it." or.. "Hey be careful where you put that nail polish in my mug. I don't want you ruining my MaiTai!"

  3. During formal night dinner aboard the Celebrity Zenith last fall a gay couple were celebrating their 25th anniversary. "He" wore a gold paper crown that he brought along from Burger King. "She" also wore a gold paper crown and a purple cape with a fuzzy collar and train. These two guys proudly wore this getup during the entire dinner and around the ship throughout the evening!


    I would put that in the Sweetest think I saw category..not the craziest.:cool:

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