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Posts posted by Augustus1#

  1. Thank you for understanding. I know I rambled in my original post. That's exactly it. I phoned the bank and they gave me 4 authorisation codes. I had to phone P&O back and stay on hold until the finance team were contacted. They can only look at the matter from Monday. So I am upset as I only have permission for one amount to leave. It has been repeatedly requested by P&O four times leaving my balance lower than it should be.

  2. Hi, feeling somewhat deflated today. I had decided today to book a cruise for next year and pre register for Iona. It's not an easy task to juggle the call and my toddler. I also ordered her a cake for this year's cruise. I was feeling on top of the world. Happy i have the cruising bug and loyal to p&o. So I book the cruises, pay deposits and smile. Then as I always check my figures i look at my bank account and it is pretty much empty. I panic, I really panic. How can this have happened? I phone p&o and ask was price per person deposit , thinking oh my what to tell the husband!!! More time on the phone with my toddler upset that mummy isn't playing. They tell me no madam the deposit was for all passengers just as I thought. I phone my bank and there it is P&O have taken my deposit 4 times!!!!! I cried. I phoned them up it can't be attempted to be resolved until Monday and then more time after. They will email guest relations for me? But I am upset and it's not good enough i have no access to money that's mine but in the air due to their error. I spent all afternoon with a distressed toddler trying to sort this . So please check your accounts and I sincerely hope this hasn't happened to anyone else. Also, who do I complain to and it would be nice if they compensated me . it's all good and well that they will email guest relations and I wait 28 days for a response but who can I approach? It has taken the shine off my day and so I have posted for advice . Thank you for listening..

  3. Last minute questions.


    Firstly, can we take a 35cl bottle of Remy Martin , A bottle of prosecco and a 35 bottle of wine? We don't usually drink but these are anniversary gifts so a treat .


    Secondly, passports, health cards, tickets. Is there anything else needed for checking in?


    Finally, any last minute tips /advice. We are sailing on Ventura.

  4. Hi , we are travelling to Southampton via the coach company tomorrow morning. Does anybody know if they have seat belts or lap belts. I have two different car seats for my 3 year old and trying to decide which is best or if needed.


    We are excited to be boarding Ventura tomorrow for a much needed holiday.

  5. Thank you everyone for your advice. I have suffered motion sickness once before but managed without anything. My husband has never cruised and is apprehensive so I wanted to be prepared. I have bought stugeron, avomine , travel bands and ginger from Holland and Barrett.


    I also have a travel band and joy rides for my soon to be 3 year old.


    We have a 6 hour journey down to Southampton so I think if I have everything available for the journey and then cruise we should be ok.


    I hope we all find our sea legs and enjoy the experience.

  6. Hi, I have noticed people saying they take stugeron at all different times. I am hoping someone can tell me the most effective way. Is it best the night before the cruise? Or is it best to take on-board. Also how many days do you continue? Is it the whole cruise or just the Bay of Biscay?


    Thanks in advance.

  7. Thank you Dan, that was a lovely reply. We are not big drinkers so taking a tipple on board and spending on a few treats will be ample. I am hoping to participate in a few dance lessons. I may even like the quizzes. We are hoping to relax and watch life pass us by on sea days. I do hope the pools are open at least some of the time. I hadn't thought about them being closed. One thing I really want to do is tour the ship. So I will look into that.

  8. This holiday (Ventura 13th November 2017) is a future cruise decider for us. My husband loves caravans and camping. Not to say I don't but I am thinking a bit of luxury and a good children's club.:) So I booked a select fare early last year and have since been saving up and continue to do so. We have an inside cabin partly for cost but more so as I was worried about the balcony with our toddler.


    I am looking at the tours offered and wonder can we do any ourselves? Then I think about safety as we have our daughter who will be 3. I have preliminary chosen a tour for each destination but would appreciate advice from others who have visited these ports. Lisbon, Valencia, Cartagena, Gibraltar and Cadiz. (I kind of remember Gibraltar I was there 14 years ago).


    Cutting costs whilst cruising but not cutting the fun is it possible? :confused:

  9. Thank you so much everybody for replying. I have gathered a lot of tips from your responses.


    We have been getting are daughter to take showers so hopefully she won't mind so much by November. I had been thinking air freshener for cabin so the essential oils is great advice.


    I had a look online last night and noticed a Ventura bear so that will be the cuddly toy ticked off.


    I am starting to feel more excited now. I really hope my husband loves cruising.

  10. Antibacterial wipes. Fantastic. I wouldn't have thought of those. I am definitely stocking up. Hubby can clean the cabin ha.


    Thank you for the ginger tips. I heard ginger but I was unsure what brand to buy. I have just been and had a look on Holland and Barrett.


    The Stugeron sound ideal. I was thinking you couldn't have a drink with pills. So that's a great tip. Not that we drink anyway but we are hoping to treat ourselves and maybe relax when our daughter's in the club.


    Thanks for your tips.


    I am writing a list to stay organised:)

  11. Hi, I am going on a cruise in November with my husband and daughter who will be 3 . I am looking for tips on things to pack. Maybe things seasoned cruisers never leave without. I have cruised once before in 2003 on Aurora This time it is on Ventura. My husband's first time cruising. I am hoping my husband loves the experience. So I want to be prepared. Any good motion motion sickness remedies/ pills would be also appreciated. We have an inside cabin on a select fare. We booked last May it what I thought we could afford. Our cabin is p244, I realise it's quite forward but we opted to be low down and close enough to go to the prom deck for air. Now I am worried about just about everything . I would love to chat to regular cruisers and get excited rather than worrying. Thanks in advance.

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