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Posts posted by Bbriggs26

  1. I thought no one could be on the ship when they wash out the water system? Either way, I am one happy first-time cruiser! I feel awful for the people on this week's cruise. They were stuck in Port Canaveral until Tuesday at 5:30pm, had a half day at Nassau on Wednesday and today Cococay got cancelled due to winds. So sad for them.

  2. We can board at 10:30am again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    About your upcoming travels

    Hello, this is Royal Caribbean International. We would like to provide you with some good news regarding your sailing on Monday, February 20, onboard Majesty of the Seas.

    You may recall our previous communication regarding our delayed boarding. We were able to revert back to our original check-in time as listed on your documents. Check-in for your cruise will now take place between 10:30 AM – 7:30 PM. This will allow you to enjoy the ship’s many amenities before departure.

    We look forward to welcoming you onboard!

  3. I just saw in another thread that Majesty has been stuck at Port overnight due to failing life jacket inspections! So it is stuck overnight on Monday, there is another cruise this weekend and then on Monday it is delayed boarding. I really hope nothing else goes wrong with this ship!

  4. Thanks for the info. I am definitely worried about luggage. We will have a stroller, a car seat, 2 large bags, and each have a carry on bag. I don't think we will be able to lug it all to a restaurant! I actually called Port Canaveral and they didn't think I would have anywhere to drop my luggage off. They are not opening the terminal until 5:30 :( I guess we will be spending the day at the hotel. We are flying in the night before and staying at the Hyatt in the Orlando airport. I just hope my car service can accommodate a later arrival to the port. Sigh. Sad to lose a full day of a 4 day vacation. I hope RC makes this right with an onboard credit. So far they have said they aren't doing anything for us.

  5. When this happened to you in November, what happened on boarding day? I am scheduled to arrive at Port Canaveral at 10am with my three young daughters (ages 6, 5 and 1). Did people still arrive early? Is there anything to do at Port Canaveral within walking distance? Will RC take your luggage early? What time did they really start boarding? Any additional information would be greatly appreciated. My husband and I are first time cruisers and we are taking three young kids. I was nervous before this happened, now I am really nervous!!!

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