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Posts posted by chelleyk

  1. Glad to hear others get up early as well. Thanks for sharing your stories. Now that we have (lame) daylight savings I will have to wait for the sunrise til 7, but can still walk around and get my exercise and have the boat pretty much to myself. Unless the secret is out!

  2. Three years ago, on the Carnival LA-Baja "booze cruise" I got up early and went above decks. Aside from some crew members I saw no one and walked around this seemingly empty ship all by myself. I highly recommend it. It's really neat and also a little spooky. Also got to watch the ship pull into port which was cool. I could not find any coffee, however. It was about 6. Does anyone know where I might find coffee at that hour on the Carnival Inspiration? I eventually found some around 7 when the buffet coffee got going. This time, I will ask someone beforehand but thought maybe you guys might know. Thanks!

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