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Everything posted by harryfat1

  1. Day 7: Labadee Labdee is our 3rd and final port. Quick background in case people are not familiar with this stop – this is an RCCL private port. Some people want to call it a private island but then there will be people higher than me on the anal scale on CC that will correct you within 3 minutes – "but it’s a peninsula, not an island..." Yeah, yeah, whatever. Go soak your head. The entire Labadee area might be a peninsula but it’s part of Haiti, which is an island. Just like if you are a pimple on the butt of the dog, you are still part of the dog. Side note - y'all didn’t think it s possible to have an anal score of 9.3+ or higher, did you? 🤪 Anyway, call Laabdee whatever, it’s a port that is exclusive for RCCL ships. And yes, that includes RCI and Celebrity cruise ships. The lunch on the island is included as part of the cruise fare – similar to if you are eating at Windjammer back on the ship. If you have a drinks package, that works at the port as well.
  2. Haha, music preference is even more subjective than food. We all like songs for various reasons. This woman has made a career on YouTube in making parody videos. She has regular parody videos out. Here's another version of the same Queen song:
  3. Last picture of the night at 11:44 PM as we are headed for Labadee, our final port. Let’s end the night with a parody song for the Cat and Queen fans: This concludes day 6 of the cruise ++++++++ Thanks to everyone still hanging around reading this. We are heading down the home stretch with a couple more cruise days left +++++++++
  4. After the Showgirls, they have the “Quest Show” at 11 PM at Seaplex. Here is where I miss the Voyager/Freedom class ships in that they had the Quest games at Studio B where lazy people like yours truly can sit. At the SeaPlex, you have to stand to either participate or stand and watch from above. As I had been up since 6:30 in the morning, I was getting a little tired and didn’t want to stand for the entire program so my wife and the boys went downstairs to participate in the Quest game. I stayed long enough to take a couple of pictures and left to go back to the cabin while they competed
  5. After dinner, they have “Showgirl” at the main theater. It was around 90% similar to the “Showgirl” we saw on the Navigator just 4 months before so it was a "Meh" experience for us. I’m surprised RCI recycles dance shows between various ships as I thought each had different shows but I guess these non-marquee shows can repeat. 20231228_222741.mp4
  6. As with all events that start at 7 PM, it ended by 7:50 so people could meander over to MDR afterward French night tonight and the second formal night
  7. So done with showering and guess what, back to 270 again. As I said, it’s our favorite part of the ship, and being on the Aft of deck 6 meant very easy access via the secret door The “show” tonight isn’t a show per se, it’s more of a demonstration of the technology of the 270 theater. The event is technically called "the 270 Experience” with Ricky, the cruise director, explaining the various aspects of the 270 theater. I think he said the cost to build the theater was around $34 million. They have 6 robotic arms that hold the big screens together and they move independently but the screen never hit or touch each other during any performance. Then they played various demo videos to showcase what they could do technologically with the 270 theater area. The last video is specially made just for the 270 show as they placed a dancer inside a water cube to move/dance and you can see each of the 6 screens is displaying different videos If you like technology, I rate it as a “don’t miss” event as it’s very cool to watch. At the very beginning of the trip report, I mentioned that we value the 3 E’s. This event checks off all the boxes in that it’s entertaining as well as enriching in learning about how the new technology works on top of seeing 6 independent robotic arms move but they never crash into one another. Kicking things off is the Star Wars music 20231228_191317.mp4 6 screens controlled by the Robotic Arms
  8. The last set of sunset pictures back from the balcony as you can see how calm the waters are The return of the evil one-eyed creature ready to attack the ship...
  9. Back to the cabin at 5:40 after the sun has set over the horizon. Saw the North Star over the side of the ship. Maybe I watched too many sci-fi movies but this could be an eye for some space creature attacking the ship…
  10. After the dance, everyone rested at 270 for a bit with something cold to drink before heading up outside at the pool deck to check out the sunset. The water and wind were very calm while we were up.
  11. Thanks for the heads up. I'm not an MLB fan - do they play this song at every home game to make it popular?
  12. OK, let's wrap this up as the blue channel dominated at the end 20231228_164132.mp4 For some reason, the song Sweet Caroline is popular with the younger generation as I heard it on a TV commercial recently as well as at the dance party. Does anyone know the reason why?
  13. My wife had to use the restroom and came back up to also get something to drink - we all got something to drink from Cafe 270 before the dance. Tip - be sure to have some refreshments before the dance starts as you will be tired and thirsty after dancing for a while. So I had to hold her headphones while she was in the lady's room. Since I have the headphones, let's assume they are playing one of my favorite rock songs by Bon Jovi. Let's bring back the 2Cellos
  14. From an outside observer, it's hard to tell what song is being played 20231228_160518.mp4 I think the Blue channel is more popular This could be the Marcarnea A fun activity for little kids as well. They billed this event as a family dance party
  15. As with previous events, y'all will get two different perspectives as seen through my cell phone from high above as well as from my wife's cell phone from below You see them below Here they are down below So the idea is that there are TWO different channels - green and blue - as seen by the color of the headphones and you can switch back and forth to whichever channel has the music you like and you then dance to that music You can see the blue or green colors on each headphone
  16. At 4 o’clock, we headed back to 270 (not like it’s a very long walk as it’s closer than going to the elevator) for the “Family SHUSH Silent Party”. That’s where they issue each person a headphone and you dance to the music based on what channel you are listening to. Since it’s a daytime event, it’s for the whole family, not like the 11 PM party that’s more for the grown-ups. I was upstairs taking pictures while the rest of the family danced downstairs Long line to get the headphones
  17. At 3 o’clock, my wife went off by herself to some raffle thing at the shops as the boys and I went back to the cabin via the secret door on deck 6. You can tell from her picture that it was an extremely popular event with tons of people there wanting to win something. No, she didn’t win...
  18. After they were done with the rehearsal, it was interesting to see how much work it takes to take out “the book” and then put in the potted plants when the book isn’t there so the area isn’t as bare. Like in those movies where they hide the evidence by making over a new room as if nothing was there when the police came - Honest, officer, I tell you I saw a man fall into the hole of the big red book. I know you can't see the red book now where it's potted plants but I tell you I saw with my own eyes that there were TWO LARGE books here... Books? What books? What are you talking about?
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