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Posts posted by Carlos'widow

  1. Hello Everyone,

    I am the diver's widow. We were enjoying a wonderful cruise on Disney. He had dove two days during the 7 day cruise and the was his third and final time at st kitts. His dives were also not one day to the next, he took breaks. According to the dive master, his dive was successful. He suffered a cardiac complication: Pulmonary Edema, Myocardial Hypertrophy and Hypertensive Heart Disease. This was not a heart attack but a hardening of his heart which lead to his lungs filling up with water. He died immediately on the scuba boat although there was CPR attempts.

    His death was not due to faulty equipment, it absolutely was NOT self inflicted and I was never interviewed by the media inSt Kitts. I appreciate the condolences and words of support. My husband was an advanced scuba diver and took this seriously. He loved the water and appreciated the beauty of the seas and what was down below. We miss him dearly but know he died after doing what he loved the most, diving.

    Thank you

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