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Posts posted by happyhacker

  1. Think of a number between 1 and 100. Go on! OK?


    WRONG it was 22. Small chance wasn't it?


    Think of a number between 1 and 10000. Not going to bother after the last time? OKaaay.


    Think of a number between 1 and 1,000,000. Go on! Don't be so rude! Just because you mad a lousy choice last time!


    Let's forget it and buy a lolly instead or better stick it in a box for a deserving charity.


    You are more likely to be crushed between two falling London Buses whilst walking down 5th Avenue than you are likely to win ANY significant money on the lottery. Any lottery. The banks screw us by taking our money to make themselves rich and throw us some crumbs (in fact the bankers spend 1000's of their hard earnt money betting each week so you don't really stand a chance!). The Lottery bosses take our money and make themselves rich and we get nothing in return apart from a false dream.

  2. I'm the OP :cool: . Well, what a response! Sifting through the "civil wars" going on here I can see you are all a bunch of............................seasoned travellers! Thanks about the water I shall take along a couple of empty bottles but agree about not making it obvious (it never fails to amaze me how criminals get caught each time due to lack of planning and avoiding the obvious I've never been caught!) in places like the restaurants. Anyone actually admit to being fined :o ? Food? Shall buy it ashore, we always pop into a local SM if we get time so just drink the water from there. Avoid ice in buckets because we find service staff are not very hygenic and don't want DellyBelly (is that splet right?). Thks. PS. Getting on the boat in Venice next Sat.

  3. Going next week. Does anyone know the following queries about water on board?:


    1. Cost of bottled water?

    2. Is the cabin tap water deemed safe to drink?

    3. Do they supply it free in the cabin and keep it supplied or what?

    4. Do they give it free at dinner tables of in self service restaurants?

    5. Can one take it on board during embarkation?


    Any other facts appreciated, thanks.

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