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Posts posted by bdawn8403

  1. Woot! Woot! I just created it!!!!! I changed my user id from Snuckles to Snuckles2 just out of frustration and was able to create the account! Color me happy! Now I was still on my daughter's phone so now, I'll see if I can get in on my own phone. But yes I'm in. Thanks everyone!


    So I am having the same issue as you were, however, I don't even get the point of putting in a user ID. I am on the first step and get the error message about technical difficulties. Also, is there a way to put in your date of birth that you don't have to scroll through month after month for year after year???? I mean going back to 1984 is a bit time consuming each time and then get the same damn error message. :mad:

  2. This.... plus... they fill your cup with 75% ice. I remember on the Fascination, they used cans (never have I seen this) for the diet coke, mr. pibb, and even regular coke. Depending on which bar you went to, you would either get a full can, or you would get a little under a full can. I felt like I was constantly going up there to refill my cup.



    Just got off of the Pride and they used cans for almost all of it and they don't open a new can for you either. So the majority of the time, the pop you are getting has been sitting in a can, opened. Its never really fresh unless you catch them when they don't have any open.



    My husband did ask once if he could have a can and they gave it to him. Never tried that again though. Its worth it if you drink more than 3 or so a day I think. I just wish it was fresher and less ice was given.

  3. Last year our cruise got diverted to Halifax and St. Johns. You could chose to cancel and get full refund. We chose to cruise since we had never been to Canada. We received $100 OBC each and 25% future cruise credit to be used within 2 years. We are going to Bermuda next year with our 25% discount.


    We didn't get obc and they are telling my travel agent they did not offer 25% off future cruise to those of us who went anyway even though they did so have to argue it now. Waiting to hear back from her about it.

  4. This was the portion of the earlier announcement that pertains to the Pride: Carnival Pride – September 10

    We will depart Baltimore on September 10 on a cruise to Canada/New England. Itinerary details will be confirmed today at 6:00 PM. Given the significant itinerary deviation, guests may elect to cancel and receive a future cruise credit. Guests wishing to sail will receive a 25% future cruise credit based on the fare paid for this cruise.


    Yeah its pretty sucky but I guess we've decided to just go since vacation time has already been put in and such.

  5. Under normal circumstances, yeah that would be a nice trip but I didn't decide on a cruise just to go on vacation. I chose a cruise to get away to a beach. May sound pathetic but I wanted to be able to go some place nice and slightly warm and experience a beach. I have never been able to do that so I would say that going from that opportunity to New England/Canada is a major deviation. I was hoping for at least Bermuda as it would've been similar. I apologize that I am upset about it as I am not blaming Carnival and this hasn't put me off from trying to cruise again. I just expected something better. Now I have to decide if I want to just go ahead and go or cancel and attempt something in October.

  6. It is either that or sail straight into a storm. I think this is a great alternative to outright having your vacation cancelled.


    Everyone going on this alternative sailing, pack some warmer clothes, make lemonade out of lemons, and have a fun time. Portland is an absolutely underrated city. Breweries and seafood galore!


    I don't see how this is a comparable alternative to a tropical vacation.

  7. From John Heald's FB page:


    Carnival Pride – September 10

    We will depart Baltimore on September 10 on a cruise to Canada/New England. Itinerary details will be confirmed today at 6:00 PM. Given the significant itinerary deviation, guests may elect to cancel and receive a future cruise credit. Guests wishing to sail will receive a 25% future cruise credit based on the fare paid for this cruise.


    Ummm I'm not sure how I feel about this.

  8. While I'm no expert, I can almost 100% guarantee you will NOT be going to Grand Turk. About 80% sure you won't be able to go to Half Moon Cay.


    A Bermuda trip is possible, but I know Bermuda only accepts so many cruise ships. A Canadian cruise is possible


    Stupid question. I've never traveled but we don't have passports, is that going to be a problem?

  9. What about the Pride out of Baltimore on 9/10/17? There is no mention of it anywhere.


    The way I understand it they were only focusing on the Florida ones since that is where the hurricane might hit around these dates. I figure we will have no issue getting out on the Pride Sunday, I think our itinerary will be affected though.

  10. I really don't care if you find my comments helpful or not, just stating an obvious fact. There are plenty of other places in the world to visit.


    I find most of the comments here very egoistic, no thoughts for all the poor people who have lost their homes and livelihoods.


    I have never understood why someone isn't allowed to be upset about something that is happening in their own lives. Yeah someone somewhere might have it worse than you. Just like those who are directly affected by this hurricane. There are people who are worse off than them elsewhere in the world. But you don't tell them that their worry or their concerns for the events in their life are nothing and that it could always be worse, do you?



    Everybody has different things in their life that upsets their day to day living and EVERYONE has the right to be upset about it, big or small. It doesn't make you selfish or ungrateful for the good you do have. I will not feel bad that I am upset, worried and nervous about something that is affecting my life and that of my husband and my son's.

  11. We were on this same itinerary when Matthew hit. Because the hurricane was south, we went North. Don't be surprised if you do a NYC, St. John. We didn't find out until 10 pm the night before. (we were already in Baltimore by that point).


    Yeah, I'll be seriously ticked off if I end up in New York.

  12. You should be ok to cruise. Depending on route of Irma your itineraries will change. Don't expect to go to Grand Turk anytime soon.


    Part of me wishes they would just cancel and go another time and the other part doesn't since I have been waiting for this all year and we are all ready to go.

  13. This is really stressing me out. The only reason I booked in Sept is because my birthday is 9/10 and I wanted to give myself a cruise as a bday gift.


    I know what you mean. This is my first ever real vacation and would be first time I've ever been to a beach and it's all turning to crap. :(

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