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Posts posted by Proudpreston

  1. For dessert I ordered chocolate mousse- I loveeeeee chocolate mousse. The mousse and cake center was really nice but I wasn't keen on the darker 'skin' on the outside which was kind of tasteless and had a jelly like texture. So I skinned it and ate the middle :D




    F ordered the chocolate brownie, but they bought him the pistachio crème brulee. The waiter realised right away and ran off the fetch the brownie, leaving F alone with the crème brulee. Lets just say he's a man who takes opportunities when they fall in front of him, so he had two desserts that night.






    He said the crème brulee was the better of the two, as the brownie was a little dry and heating it up would have improved it immensely.


    I forgot to mention that we were seated at a window, so when we eventually did sail sometime before 8 we got a bit of a view, which was nice! So I didn't completely miss it after all, and I would be surprised if anyone else had stayed up on deck to watch it.


    It was a nice first dinner and we went for a full but happy wander around the ship afterwards. F spotted the basketball game in O'Sheehans and that was another $10 and 20 minutes lost. He never beat that high score which really rubbed at him the whole cruise! By this point we were pretty tired after our 5am start so started to wander back to the cabin but walked past Headliners and got sucked in by the sound of Howl at The Moon.


    Wow, these guys are fantastic! I've heard about Howl but never seen it before. All 3 guys are really talented and give some great banter in between songs. It turned out that the family of one of the players had booked onto the cruise as a surprise and they walked in during his set! It was really sweet as he was totally shocked. We got a bit of a second wind and ended up staying in Howl until midnight as it was rocking.


    As we left it felt like Howl wasn't the only thing that was rocking- the ship felt like it was swaying a lot! I have no point of reference as it was our first cruise, but the waves did seem a bit high and I felt quite a lot of movement. One of my big worries was sea sickness so once back to the cabin I popped a pre-emptive travel sickness pill and it was time for bed!


    Next up, day 2- Sea day



    Great review thanks. What travel sickness pills did you use?

  2. I am confused as it says bottled water is included in premium drinks packages. Is this unlimited? is it only one bottle in your room? can you get a free bottle elsewhere and take it back to your room? If bottled water is available at all bars and included in the drinks package, whats the gripe?

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