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Posts posted by buyucat

  1. Sorry that happened to you but instead of accepting the fact they took my fan and was unhappy... I asked the Captain, Hotel Director, and Chief Engineer at the Meet & Greet why an item was confiscated that was not on the prohibited list.... I had my fan 15 minutes after the Meet & Greet was over. Chief Engineer took a look at it and approved


    There was more in fact to the story. You don’t think I would have settled with them taking my fan did you. I was indeed unhappy and felt like I needed it for sweet sleep. I confess. I’m hooked after 25 years or so of blissful fan air/noise inducing sleep.

    I didn’t think of asking anyone at the Meet and Greet. But, I did tell my steward what happened. As he scratches his head. I asked him if he could accommodate me. I gave him a 20$ and although he was reluctant to do so. I actually had a fan before the Meet and Greet.

    But like many I also sailed before with my fan. And a small three receptacle cord with surge protector.

    I guess that’s why some may feel I’m full of chit...But this last cruise was not like any prior experiences I’ve had.

  2. Incorrect. Item is not on NCL Prohibited Item List






    Incorrect you say! You are very incorrect! In March on the Pearl my FAN sat in a room with hundreds of other fans. I had a piece of paper in my bag that said the fan was confiscated until the end of the cruise. I was able to pick it up the last night of the cruise.

    It’s hard for me to sleep without the noise. I wasn’t happy at all. I wish the poster luck.




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