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Posts posted by whereisjaney

  1. The fast route Southampton to central London is all on fast but very very boring motorway (inter-state / expressway in the US)

    90 miles, 1hr 53 according to googlemaps.


    The last half of the drive or more is best done on the main roads, it gets pretty built-up the closer you get to London, and local roads crowded & slow.

    But there's a stack of alternatives for the first part of the drive, including......


    - up the Test Valley. The market town of Romsey & villages like King's Somborne, Stockbridge, Hurstbourne Tarrant. And Andover. And past Highclere Castle (Downton Abbey). Total 2hrs 36, 106 miles according to Google.


    - up the Meon Valley. Thro' Botley, Bishops Waltham or Wickham, West Meon, past Jane Austen's house at Chawton, Alton, Farnham, the Hog's Back, Guildford. 2hrs 13, 85 miles.


    - Petersfield or Chichester & the South Downs and Surrey Hills. Around 3hrs, 115 miles.


    Those are just suggestions, but a lot of interesting little towns & villages have fast routes signed past them, rather than what you want - to drive through them.

    So it's perhaps best to give the transfer operator a general idea of what you want, and let the driver choose according to how well he/she knows the routes & places.


    Drivers of all three operators I've mentioned are local, and likely to know the various towns & villages.

    Additionally one of those three, west quay cars, has a "touring" arm http://www.discoverthesouth.co.uk/home.php to which they allocate dedicated customer-friendly, experienced & knowledgeable drivers and specialises in tour-transfers. Browse the various pages of their website, and ask them for suggestions. They're likely to be more expensive but worthwhile.


    Marylizcat has suggested Winchester. It's a busy historic city, with a renown cathedral.

    And the same can be said of Salisbury.

    Winchester is close to the route, Salisbury a little off-route but can be combined with a visit or freebie drive-by of Stonehenge.

    Neither fits the image of quaint "Cotswold-like" towns or villages, but either makes a good alternative.

    Ditto Twickenham's suggestion of Windsor


    Finally, whilst the operators and I can suggest village pubs & restaurants for lunch you're likely to be thrown off the ship by 9.30am at the latest so you'll perhaps be rather too early for lunch en-route. A coffee-stop or a "quick pint" or "swift half" would more likely fit the bill.


    Hope this helps rather than confuses :rolleyes:


    JB :)



    wow so helpful!! thank you so much!!

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