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Posts posted by markpharrlucy

  1. I take my first cruise in 14 years in about 2 months. Have been reading these boards a long time.


    I would not hesitate to ignore a reserved sign, except of course an "official" sign placed there by the cruise line. And yes, if someone made an "official" appearing sign, I am sure I would be easily fooled by it, and keep walking.


    But by the same token, if I were sitting at a table and saw someone needing to sit for medical and/or physical reasons, and they could not find a seat, then I would be the first to invite them to my table. Would get up and let them have my seat if need be. Courtesy and common decency.


    But never would I attempt, or even think about attempting, what the OP is suggesting. Every one else on board has just as much right to a table as I do, and if they beat me to it, so be it.


    Not trying to pass judgment, just stating how I would handle it.


    I am going to be on vacation, and do not plan to worry about anything, especially something as trivial as this.

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