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Posts posted by timtippy

  1. we were on this cruise as well and I agree with the assessment. I will say that the staff was courteous and professional (I did catch a little attitude from a female bartender at the nightclub, but that was the exception.) I was informed by another bartender that NCL brought in an outside firm to train the staff for better customer service, and it showed.

    food was acceptable and about what I expected. I did have to send the prime rib back because it tasted "off" and was covered in brown gravy, not au jus. had we not ordered it rare, we probably would not have noticed.

    I did almost have a run in with another group of passengers being overtly rude to a woman in a wheelchair that got on the elevator with us. they complained she was going to make them late when she got on, then they told her to get out of the way when the elevator opened as they were in a hurry. that really pissed me off and I told them they should have left earlier. they seemed stunned when I let them know their behavior was unacceptable, but went about their business.

    the other thing... seeing a group of twenty-something girls with their parents in the dining room, order two apps, a salad, soup and TWO entrees, prime rib and seafood medley, then sit there and pick at it and waste most of the food. take what you want, but eat what you take.

    ok glad I got that off my chest.

    Happy Cruising!

  2. And yours. Try to enjoy your holiday.


    And I only suggested he open a third thread in case someone missed the other two. There can never be too many threads about the same topic on CC.

    Snark? Maybe.

    Intended. Maybe.



    Sent from my iPhone using Forums

    again... two different topics. if you pulled your head out of your derriere for a minute maybe you would see that. also, try to be more constructive with your future comments, because I'm WAY better at being an *******. have a good day, sweetie.

  3. the OP was letting others know the error in the NCL schedule and I'm sure there will be a lot of people not on these boards who are unaware of the change, just as we would not have been aware if Ahhhh had not followed through and tracked down the correct info. I was bitching about the sudden change in our itenary, you were being snarky to someone trying to get the word out to other travelers. thank you Ahhhh for your efforts. I guess no good deed goes unpunished.

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