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Posts posted by Janari

  1. I ordered the Josie Maran argan oil with rosey colour stick, I sent it back as I am allergic to citral in the colour stick and the Josie argan oil wasn't anything amazing to me.I have tried lots of different argan oils https://your-style-guide.com/best-argan-oil-for-hair/ and the quality definitely does vary, the Josie one was a nice one but it had no smell and I couldn't see if there was anything on the website to say it was deodorised which I'm sure takes away some of the natural properties.As donna says billy in the tree is a good brand but there are loads out there and I think like most things we like different ones. My favourite which is quite a dear one is the one made by Douvall's of Alicia Douvall glamour model fame no less!I like watching a video on YouTube on such topics, I'll leave you one of them here, I hope it will useful to someone.Good Luck

  2. I've had good experiences with two purple toners - one by manic panic, I think it's called virgin snow, and one by guhl, to get rid of those kinds of tones (my hair is lighter than yours though). They're very similar products; this is what the guhl looks like over here, maybe you can get it in the UK, too - it's sold in run-of-the-mill drugstores over here, where the deep treatments are.They're more like a deep treatment than a conditioner, if that makes sense - the effects last longer, you don't have to reapply every time you wash. That means you can also just apply them to the areas where you want the toner to go. The coloring stuff in them is the same as what is used in the purple/blue shampoos and conditioners, but there's a bit more of it, the color is a little stronger, and it lasts longer.For me, I only had to use them a few times, then the color just stuck. That often happens with highlighted hair, if it's just been damaged enough but not too much, there's some room in the hair's structure for those kinds of color molecules to get stuck. I hope that makes sense.In any case, I'd use something like that, because you can just put it where you need it and don't need to worry about it affecting your overall color like you do with shampoo and conditioner. I don't think that blue/purple shampoo/conditioner https://womentake.com/best-purple-shampoo/ would do a lot to your overall color, it would probably show up at most in the sunshine as a subtle cast of some sort, but you know, just in case. When I used blue shampoos I did feel they made my whites look too gray over time (I try to pass off my whites as blond highlights - not sure that that works but I didn't like the gray cast the blue shampoo gave to them). But I don't know if you have grays.ETA: If you can't find those toners, you can also just mix some blue/purple deposit-only dye (manic panic, stargazer etc) with a lot of deep treatment - that does the same thing. Blue has a stronger effect than purple, so you need to use less of it/mix more deep treatment in or you end up with blue/green tones (which is way worse than a bit of brass - way, way worse). Maybe start with something like a 1:20 or 1:30 ratio? I've done it and it worked, but I don't remember the ratio I used. I do remember that you need to dilute the heck out of the pure rainbow deposit-only colors to use them this way, they have a lot of pigment.

  3. Try rinsing it. A lot. If that still isn't working, try putting conditioner on the wig and combing it through. Use only a little and don't rinse it out. If that still doesn't work (and let's face it, you've probably tried that already), you might think of something to put on top of it.

    I have absolutely no basis in trying this myself so please test it first. It worked for a friend but that's all I know. Try using a silicone spray (available at a hardware store) over the sharpie dye https://womentake.com/best-red-hair-dye/ I can also suggest Testor's Dullcote (available at hobby stores). The Dullcote will have a smell to it and is toxic to work with, so follow directions. However it is excellent at making sure paint doesn't come off of stuff. You have to make sure to get every strand of the wig without dousing it...which is tricky business.

    If none of the options are viable, wear a wig cap, don't wear white, and keep some rubbing alcohol handy to wipe things off with!

    • 12th Nov 14, 8:18 AM






    I'm sorry that I resurrect the old topic, but it's just that I myself once encountered this issue, and spent a lot of time to find really useful information. I feel your pain, this is what has worked for me:-


    Vitamins - 1 zinc tablet per day (must be chelated I buy from H&B in the sale) and 1000mg of EPO, last lot were from Morrisons on offer.


    Products are Cleanser - Cetaphil wipe off cleanser, Rose water and Glycerin toner, St Ives exfoliator and a non perfumed moisturiser, I change about but am using original Olay beauty fluid at the moment, products don't have to be expensive. If I have an odd spot I use Freederm gel on it up to 3x a day until its gone, usually a day of two but I rarely get anything at all, the zinc is amazingly good. I also have mild rosacea so I stay out of direct heat especially in the shower but I have this skin complaint under control now thanks to the above.

    I have really acne-prone combination skin, so I play with the "big boys" of skin care lotion (and by that I mean the strongest stuff I can find for cheap). My routine is:Cerave AM in the morningClean & Clear 10% benzoyl peroxide in the showerCerave PM in the evening before bedIn between I'll use oil blotting sheets in the summer.HOWEVER, if you're looking for a one step all option, Cetaphil is pretty great https://womentake.com/best-face-wash-for-dark-spots/, and it comes in bar soap form, too.On YouTube there are a lot of useful videos on a similar subject, I'll leave here one, I hope this will help someone in the future.


    I found Chanel allure a few years ago now and was immediately attracted to it. Some time later they brought out the "sensuelle" version which is even nicer so i got that.


    I'm an anonymous looking lady of 41, not particularly attractive, but I don't frighten small children either tongue.gif! Yet I get SO MANY compliments about the perfume I wear, from men and women that i would never change it now!


    Occasionally, I'll catch a "whiff" of a lovely scent on another woman and may ask what it is. When i find it in a bottle it never smells as good and I'm not tempted to change.

    I reckon a BIG part of wearing perfume is the way it mixes with your body's own pheremones to create an impression. Finding one that matches your pferemones perfectly is like finding that elusive four-leaved clover. It's why so many women get it wrong and end up smelling like toilet cubicles

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