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Posts posted by davethewasp

  1. On 8/27/2021 at 6:42 PM, chemmo said:


    Thanks for the reply! Was the lobster cooked tableside or simply brought in pre cooked? Not a big deal, we love Murano food anyway but just wanted to know if that extra ‘drama’ that tableside preparation provides is presently being provided. 

    We disembarked yesterday after a brilliant cruise. Happy to confirm that the lobster in Murano was prepared at the table and flamed expertly by Mohammed who was, like almost the whole crew, charming and efficient. Also had lobster and beef wellington combo in the Grand Cuvee restaurant which like all the dinners was very good indeed.

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  2. 1 minute ago, swjumbo said:

    You know what folks. These are first world problems.

    I have friends who have lost family, colleagues who have lost jobs and houses because of this ghastly virus.

    If we manage to get on our cruise I’ll be delighted. Tours may or may not happen.

    This is a fluid situation and I’m sure everyone in Celebrity trying their best but no doubt there will be plenty of people complaining to Guest Relations on board to people who have no control whatsoever.

    Lets be happy we’re able to look forward to a cruise. Others aren’t as lucky 


    Agree wholeheartedly with everything you've said. Just booked for 21 August and if it goes ahead I will be delighted, but if not I will just accept it must have been for good reasons.

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