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Posts posted by bucket_O_beer4john

  1. You sure are on our schedule. :) The weather has been mild, but cloudy. We will try our best to get good pictures. Enjoy packing!



    Thank you so so so so so much!!!! Our roll call has been having a blast - we're doing the meet and greet right after muster, and we'll all be waving to you! I really can't wait to meet this rowdy group!

  2. Thanks!


    Yes, it can be painful out here, but mostly because of the lack of things to do. Nice place to raise a family, cruddy place to be single!


    I'll let you know if we change decks - that will most likely be a late change depending on the weather. Of course, if it is really cold then I'm certainly not going to ask you to be out in it!


    Forgot about it being dark by departure then... we can all bring flashlights and hold them under our faces like we're telling ghost stories.

  3. APDMOM,


    We are cruising the Fascination on Dec 8th, and have a roll call going. Could you please schedule to take pictures that day? I'm setting up a M&G for the aft deck so this would be very cool.


    This is so awesome of you to do this for so many people!


    I'm a local as well, but down towards the boonies in Middleburg. Not too many cruise ships to take photos of down this way...



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