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Posts posted by AUDRAA928

  1. We were in a grand suite - 2 bedroom. The phone in the pic was on the nightstand in the bedroom. There was NO granite in my bedroom !!! The bathroom counters were white - I don't know why you see pink/blue hue !


    There are 2 bathrooms in the GS - 2 bedroom - this pic was in the master bathroom.


    The room number was 9694 if you want to verify !!






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  2. I am well aware of how it is to vacation with 2 children and we were not looking for romantic dinners! We wanted the option to do things once they went to bed, together! They go to bed at 7:30-8:00pm. Lessons learned


    We were told that the babysitting is a service offered and was only told when we got on the ship it was for crew members looking to make extra money. It is $19 an hour and they come to your room and billed to your sea pass.


    As far as the CS RS versus the Grand on RCL - we were on the Century which is now retired - and it was nicer than Adventure! We now know to book the Genie suites going forward, if we book with RCL again.

  3. We were on Adventure of the Seas from July 6-13 2018.


    We chose this cruise because of the convenience of it leaving from Bayonne. It was our first trip with our 2 kids (3 and 14 months) and we were looking for something easy in terms of travel. We had heard good things about RCCL and the last time I was on RCCL was in 2002 (Radiance of the Seas).


    We have so many regrets and will do things VERY different next time, if there is a next time! For what we paid, we did not feel we got the value. I plan to also write a letter to RCCL.


    Cabin: We had the Grand Suite - 2 bedroom. It is an older ship and it showed. The sink drain had corrosion and the telephone cords had dust intertwined, it was GROSS (PICS ATTACHED)


    Given what we spent on the cruise, we did not feel like we were in a suite or treated like we paid "suite" rates. We were told we would have a crib in the room - I had to call for it when we got there (since it was nap time) and when it arrived it was a pack and play and VERY small. My daughter who is 14 months old, was head to toe and didn't fit. The refrigerator wasn't cold, and I had to call maintenance. And even when they say they fixed it, it never got cold enough for drinks. Be prepared, there are LIMITED outlets in the room. Again, for a suite, I was really surprised. We have traveled Celebrity on OLDER ships and the Royal Suite was 100 times better than what we had on RCCL.


    CONCIERGE service is a joke and non-existent. Mine was not helpful at all. Do not count on private babysitting services after hours in your room, they made it sound like it was a service. IT IS NOT !!! The crew does this on their own time. I called twice and was told NO twice. My husband and I did not go out once together in 7 days. I was totally misled. Guest Services was just as bad. I didn't find them helpful and the lines were always long.


    The suite lounge and perks were nice and a great way to get some quiet time when the pool was overcrowded. Having a section by the pool was also nice but we needed shade so we couldn't use it.


    Windjammer was just OK. Finding a high chair for the baby was a challenge EVERYDAY. It was so crowded on sailing days that we went to the dining room to feel a more civilized. They would rope off a section of the buffet which made no sense !!! Lacked waiter service and you cannot get your own drinks, you need to walk up to the drink area and someone will hand you what you want. I could not even get my own cup of coffee, I had to wait on line for coffee !!!! It also lacked waiter service in the morning and dishes would pile up.


    Pool Area: There was only one place to get towels and to drop off towels - for the amount of people on the cruise they need more places to do that! Why wouldn't they have a towel bin on each side ---- the lines were crazy.


    Splash Away Bay was the only place my 14 month old could swim since she is still in diapers. (note, babies in diapers or swim diapers cannot use the pools). They had it open limited hours which means when they closed it, we all could not be outside together as a family. None of this was explained when we booked (yes, i spoke to a RCCL a rep when I booked).... how can you limit hours on the only place they can hang out on hot day!? Many parents had the same complaint.


    Dining Service: We had no issues. Food was good, dining room service was wonderful. My husband has allergies and they paid close attention to that. They always had the high chair set up for when we came to dinner.


    Photography: OMG, what a disaster!!! My pictures wound up in another family account, I had other people pictures on our account. Every time I went to complain, no one wanted to help me. "I understand m'am" is all I heard. We only bought ONE picture - normally I would have bought more. Terrible customer service overall.


    Medical: We had to use medical services for my 14 month old as she came down with a bad cold and needed her nebulizer. The ships DR was amazing and so caring. We had brought our own equipment and mask from home but my daughter wound up with bronchitis so they gave her an antibiotic. He checked on her again at no charge. I am thankful for that service. You hope you never have to use it but since we did I wanted to mention the wonderful care we received.


    Overall, we had a good time because we were together as a family but given what we paid (over 10k) and what we were told the cruise would be like, we did not get our money's worth and we will probably go back to Celebrity to the newer ships when my kids are older or try a new RCCL cruise. We are undecided.



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