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Posts posted by wcolucci

  1. Thanks all....great info especially about the Charm City.


    Freestyle...I owe you one...er.... thirty five ones to be exact!


    Now if I may ask:


    Say we do park at the pier....How easy is it to get out of the Baltimore area after we pack up and go? We are heading north to the Binghamton NY area


    I assume it is a pretty easy hike, w/luggage to get back to the car...or can we scoot the car over, load up and leave?


    Spoke a bit w/ RC yesterday...she offered up that we can bring aboard 2 750ml bottle of champagne or wine.....we would never think of that but it might be fun to bring a bottle of our favorite champagne for the trip out of the harbour....Can't wait!!!


    Thanks again everyone!!!

  2. "I stayed there a few years ago with some college friends. We had no issues with the hotel and our car was fine parked in their secure gated lot. It was close enough to the Inner Harbor that we could walk to dinner or do something downtown and didn't have to pay $$$$ for parking.


    If I didn't live so close to the port now, I'd consider it again."


    Which HEI is this?



  3. Hi All,


    Looked through a bunch of threads but we are only interested in harbor area hotels for our night before.


    We'll probably be in Baltimore around 1PM the day before, there will be 2 adults and a 9 yr old. Would like to be near the aquarium close to good restaurants, (perhaps little Italy, but not necessarily)..so we'd like to be able to walk around a lot....if there is anything to walk around to..


    We will also need to park the car at the hotel for the week.


    Considering Admiral Fell, but kind of far from the aquarium....perhaps something closer


    Thanks all, 2.5 weeks and counting!!!!!

  4. who cares? they are all hard working, friendly and quite accommodating in all reasonable requests


    Sorry if I offended..as an Italo/Finn mix I should be more sensitive to the slings and barbs of ethnic slurs.....( Thanks Billoh ;-) )



    I just remember the staff on HAL to have an amazing knack for, as MJL said, remembering your favorite drinks etc and the great attitudes of the housekeeping staff...like the different animals made out of towels every night for my ..at the time...3 yr old daughter....things like that. That made an impression...a positive one...on me. Just curious as to what to expect


    Of course being the insensitive slob that apparently some think I am we withheld our tip as we did not like the fact that they missed one nightly towel origami....but hey, how else are you going to keep them in line...

  5. First time on a RC boat. Grandeur on April 19. FS category.


    We've been on 3 HALS and Celebrity Century....we've always tended to favor the smaller older boats.


    So...We loved HALS's & Celebrity's food....And although I am now classified as a senior (55), we felt HAL a bit too staid..elegant but ...well not quite for us.


    I'll be all over the rock climbing wall, as will my daughter...we all love to swim and bounce around the ship all day


    I have a lovely wife and 9 yr old (this will be her 3-4 cruise), so we are not party animals, but we love good food and drink...and I USED to smoke a cigar a night on previous cruises but that is over.


    Anyway, if anyone has any experience, how would you rate the food service and overall ambiance of RC compared to the two.


    Thanks in advance....look forward to meeting up w/anyone on the trip!!!


    Had a great experience w/CC members 4 years ago on the Celeb Cruise

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