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Posts posted by friendlyshuswapbc

  1. We brought stainless steel, and they worked great. No, we never ran back to our room to clean them. We would clean them at the end of the day, or if we happened to be back at our room in the middle of the day. The rest of the time, it would mostly move directly from one drink to the next, or get tossed into my wristlet. No big deal. I knew I wasn't going to die of some disease from my own straw if I wasn't completely sanitizing it after every use.

    My husband just bought us both stainless steel straws and no lol we won't die of some disease from using the straw over and over again, then yes we'll clean them at night and get ready for our next day adventure! The straw bends four times into a small plastic carrying case ... even then we'll still use them till the end of the day. Happy sailing! Gloria & Rob (Sept 8 Bliss)

  2. Yes Merle65..We too are looking into finding one excursion to enjoy for photography, but mostly will sightsee on our own. For myself, (Gloria) its my first trip to the beautiful state of AK. So I don't want to stress out over booking everything. I want to mostly enjoy the Bliss and breathe in the fresh air! Then .. oh my we'll have to return again to see more another time lol. Have a great time, whatever you choose to do! Gloria & Rob; Sept. 8th sailing .. Can't wait!!

  3. Moore's of Tampa Bay; I too have read most if not all the reviews all over the web & watched Youtube also, at first yes I was very concerned over all the bad reviews I was reading which was well almost I'd say 1 out of every three or four. But then as a few have said..'fail to plan then plan to fail' & 'make it what you want', go in with a very loose plan and just then believe in "Having fun! You will!" Get on board, split up and make reservations immediately, and know that its possible that you won't be able to do everything that you'd like too. Also just know that yes this is a new ship on its first summer sailing, and they do have somethings to well .. nail down and get better training on perhaps, and when they do I really think it will be 'Bliss'. Until then, embark with happy thoughts & a good, patient attitude and we'll make this a great sailing hopefully! I've been on NCL three times before and enjoyed the Pearl twice and a NCL ship in Hawaii. We all need to pack our patience and smiles and know that most of the crew are trying their hardest and working very long hours and for that I commend most of them. Sailing September 8th; Gloria & Rob, Seattle WA

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