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Posts posted by Boswalls

  1. On board Scenic Jewel boarded at Strasbourg not Basel. This was apparently due to a predicted 7 hour trip through a lock which the captain opted very wisely not to do as it would have to have been repeated again tomorrow. A 2 hour coach trip wasn’t too painful.

    Ship is really beautiful & staff great. AND the sun is shining. Maybe it will only rain at night!

    Also, Ben told lots of ships in Basel. Have they made the trip,down the Danube?


  2. Just a quick hello to you all. River levels looking really promising at Maxau.


    Boswalls and candf, you are both writing about the Scenic Jewel, sounds like you will be on the same trip from Monday. Bon voyage!



    Thanks again, Notamermaid. Can’t tell you how comforting and encouraging your posts have been over the last 2 weeks.

    Today we’ll start to pack!

    Kindest regards


  3. Thanks yet again for good cheer, Notamermaid

    We haven’t heard anything negative from Scenic so with your encouraging news we are bracing ourselves for a 5am pickup from home to Edinburgh airport on Monday.

    The Jewel looks safe and sound at Mannheim although the bowcam pictures show that a long bow line is needed - and maybe crampons for getting ashore!

    However, after a restless couple weeks of Rhine water level watching, we are now looking forward to a relaxing trip from Basel to Amsterdam.

    Will post if I can.

    Kind regards


  4. Thanks for the site specific to Scenic ships. I, like you Notamermaid, have just looked and am really cheered that Scenic jewel is approaching Lorelei.

    I emailed Cruise mapper to ask why the last given position for Jewel was 02.02UTC and got a swift reply to say that they collect data from stations along the coast and some inland revivers are out of range. I asked whether the south end of the Rhine Gorge would be in range but they couldn't say. At least this explains why for a week I have been unable to "see" any ships in the Gorge! What lot of stressing I could have saved had I known about the Scenic site:rolleyes:

  5. We will be on our first Scenic, Jewel, sailing from Basel on Sep 3rd as well.


    Wish us good luck!


    Just to say that I have spoken with Scenic Swiss office who tell me that Jewel had no problems getting down to A from B and that apart from being 3 hours late in Cologne today, all is OK. It is raining in Basel with more rain expected. Elena from the Swiss office says they have not experienced, nor are they expecting, any serious disruptions. The Swiss office mans the emergency number found in the Scenic booklet and can be contacted for updates over the weekend.

    Hope all the stress turns out to be unwarranted and look forward to meeting you onboard next week, Jeff

    Kind regards


  6. Thanks for the updates,Notamermaid, especially the good news:D

    If nothing else my knowledge of places along the Rhine is increasing.

    I have spoken with Scenic several times over the past 10 days but I am none the wiser at to what ou optiins are likely to be.Yesterday I asked about a ship change but despite being told that that is what Scenic does, as there are no Scenic vessels on the Basel side of the Gorge, I cannot see that is could happen if Jewel cannot get through.

    My other concern is that the Scenic Office in UK doesn’t work weekends so no hope of getting any info after Friday when I will ring them again.

    Hey ho!

    Kind regards


  7. I’d like to add my thanks, Notamermaid.

    Not sure I really understand all the data but it is comforting when levels appear to increase.

    We’re due to travel with Scenic from Basel to Amsterdam leaving Basel,on September 3rd. Are ships moving in and out of Basel? The Rhine Gorge looks dreadfully empty of shipping still

    Kind regards

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