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Europe HereIGo

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Posts posted by Europe HereIGo

  1. Europeans generally dress a little more formally than people in the US. They generally don't wear athletic wear, on the street unless they are going to the gym and they wear walking shoes, not athletic shoes. Our strategy is to blend in so that we appear to be people who live there and are going to work or a business meeting. This cuts back on pickpocket's interest in us. For women, wear fully adjustable walking sandals (best if your feet tend to swell from walking a long time) or walking shoes and I find it easiest to wear a dress and knit jacket with hidden pockets. I never carry a purse or any kind of bag or wear any jewelry other than an obviously cheap watch. If it matters to you, leave it at home in a safe. Keep in mind that many toilets in Europe don't have toilet seats and often the floors of restrooms are wet so the dress works better for me than pants would. I also find the dress better for a situation where it is rainy. My husband wears long pants and a shirt with a collar and hidden pockets and if it is cooler out, a vest or jacket. There are a lot of great travel clothes here with hidden pockets: https://www.scottevest.com. The harder it is for thieves to figure out where your valuables are, the more likely they are to move onto a tourist whose valuables are easier to access.


    If you insist on carrying a purse or backpack which will make you a target of pickpockets, you need to know that you can never set your purse down. Even in restaurants, your purse needs to be in your lap with your hand on top of it at all times. Never place a purse on the floor or table or chair of a restaurant in Europe.


    Here are the common travel scams in Europe - good to read so that you will know if someone tries it on you: https://www.ricksteves.com/travel-tips/theft-scams/tourist-scams

    This is a good article avoiding problems: https://www.ricksteves.com/travel-tips/theft-scams/outsmarting-pickpockets


    Thank you for your help! Very much appreciated! :)

  2. Dear people,


    My husband and I are going to our first Mediterranean cruise with RC - Symphony of the Seas. Here are our ports:

    Leaving from Barcelona , Spain, then: Palmade Mallorca, Majorca Island, Spain; Marseille, France Riviera; La Spezia, Italy;Civitavecchia, Rome, Italy; Naples, Italy; Valencia, Spain; and arriving in Barcelona, Spain.



    The tours have already been booked. I am not sure what to pack as 1. temperatures range from 15 C to 25 C and 2. I am not sure what would be appropriate for the tours and ship (e.g., running shoes okay or boots better?).


    I would appreciate if you could share with me what you brought and any other suggestions you may think a first timer should know.


    Please and thank you !



  3. Dear People!


    I just realised that part of my first post did not paste - I am so sorry. The tips for the tours were regarding clothing as my husband has already booked all the tours. As I was explaining in one of my replies to this post, we will be celebrating his 65th birthday and the trip is my gift to him. Thus, he had all the freedom to pick and choose the tours he wanted to go.


    The ports: Leaving from Barcelona , Spain, then: Palma de Mallorca, Majorca Island, Spain; Marseille, France Riviera; La Spezia, Italy; Civitavecchia, Rome, Italy; Naples, Italy; Valencia, Spain; and arriving in Barcelona, Spain.


    I have never been to Europe and given the temperature range (15C to 25C) I am not sure what to pack. I am also assuming that the clothing (for tours and ship) will be much different than when you go to the Caribbean.


    Again I am sorry for my mistake and I still would love your help.


    Thank you!

  4. You should look on the ports of call area and search using your stops. Even if you begin another thread it would help to list which ports. Spain Italy and France are large countries with multiple places that cruise ships stop. The more information you provide the better information you will get in response


    Thank you! I have posted in this tread.



  5. For a Med cruise you need to book all of your tours in advance. It's not like the Caribbean when you can just walk off the ship and get a tour. For Italy, I recommend taking tours with www.througheternity.com.


    Leaving and arriving from Barcelona: Palma de Mallorca, Majorca Island, Spain; Marseille, France Riviera; La Spezia, Italy; Civitavecchia, Rome, Italy; Naples, Italy; and Valencia, Spain. My husband has done all the reservations already. We will be celebrating his 65th and the trip is my gust to him - meaning he could pick and choose whatever he would like to do without my interference ;o) The first two ports we will do the bus that goes around; then we have 3 days with 11 hours tours x-( One of them is Amalfi Coast; others include Sorrento, Pisa, Rome, etc. I don;t have access to all we are going to be doing. I am not sure what kind of clothing to bring.


    Thank you!

  6. What are your ports? Let us know where your ship will dock and then we can give you some advice! Rome, Marseilles, Barcelona, etc.????????????


    My Bad!!!! Leaving and arriving from Barcelona: Palma de Mallorca, Majorca Island, Spain; Marseille, France Riviera; La Spezia, Italy; Civitavecchia, Rome, Italy; Naples, Italy; and Valencia, Spain.


    Please and thank you!!!

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