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Posts posted by markpc17

  1. Thanks for the info.  As long as there is a path to better speeds and not completely throttled, and the pricing is reasonable it seems like an o.k. concession.  We shall see.  

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  2. That's unfortunate.  We had a fantastic experience with Onward but that was back in April/May.  It will make me rethink my future bookings with them since unfortunately I do have to stay connected and do some work while traveling.  I wish they'd just charge a little extra for those who want to stream and keep it free at slower speeds if you don't.  At the very least rather than only allowing awful speeds.  

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  3. Has anyone talked to someone on board about it?  I know it's a small ship so doesn't necessarily have an IT department for passengers.  I remember sailing on the Apex on their initial crossing and it was awful.  They had two people who had to deal with a line of customers all day complaining.  Not to say they had many answers, but they were in constant contact with corporate.  It finally improved marginally the second half of the voyage.  Anyway, just curious what the corporate/onboard explanation is.  

  4. Just an FYI, and it seems like it has been mentioned previously.  Just off an 11-day in Portugal & Spain on the Onward with Starlink and the internet, there was incredible.  Easily the best I've ever had on a cruise.  I work remotely, and it has been nightmarish at times on so many sailings.  It's the only way I can travel often - I need to stay up on work.  And the experience was virtually perfect.  Which makes it bizarre the difference between the ships & speed.  I've got some future sailings on other Azamara ships so hoping it gets resolved and replicates the Onwards experience.  


    In ports, we used Airalo (e-sims) with great success.  

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  5. We are on this sailing with you.  Agree with the details and feedback.  ship is in great shape and the crew couldn’t be kinder.  

    We did another Azamara April 2022.  I was curious if the food would change now fully under new ownership.  So far I feel it has improved.  On occasion you can see where there might be a small effort to control costs (mostly limiting waist) but quality we believe is higher.  

    And the internet is night and day improved. We work remotely and have to stay checked in.  The Starlink addition is dramatically better.  So much so it convinced us to book another.  


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  6. We got a credit for I think 3 days, at least they said we would (haven't seen it) but that was after 3 visits to the iLounge and making arrangements to leave the ship before the start of the TA portion -- they promised repeatedly it would be fixed so we stayed on.  I couldn't imagine 100% capacity what it will be like unless they resolve the problem once the ship is back in Florida.  Average speed test has been 26K - 50K (we thought it would be 3mbps on average) when it's functioning.  

  7. The internet/wifi stinks on this sailing so far.  If you don't rely on it, no big deal. If you do, wow, it has been terrible.  The worst I've had in probably the last 5+ years on a variety of Celebrity, RCCL, Viking, Crystal, etc...  we count on it for work especially on sea days and haven't encountered anything like this in years especially on what should be the newest most up-to-date ship.  We paid for the Stream upgrade as well which was not a small investment.  

    • Thanks 1
  8. The main dining rooms as expected while not empty definitely are fairly quiet.  Luminae has been quite busy, and when I walk by Blu it also seems busy.  I'm guessing all upgrade requests went through so these two classes are sailing probably closer to a fuller capacity.  In general around the ship it's certainly never crowded and plenty of space most everywhere.


    As for all passengers being US citizens we have in some shows heard people say they are from other countries (not USA) but was at Guest Services a bit ago and they did mention passengers are leaving the ship in Tenerife (our last stop) so maybe some made part of the journey who are not US citizens?  Not sure but thought that was an interesting comment unless they are disembarking for other reasons.  

    • Thanks 1
  9. Hello--have head varying counts but one I did hear was a bit under 1,300.  I think it's fair to say no more then 50% capacity.  However, does matter where you are staying.  Many upgraded so it would appear for example the suites might be full.  Blu (which we upgraded from to the suites) looks quite busy as well in the evening at the restaurant.  So, while overall lower capacity it is pending where you are staying.  First night in the Luminae was a madhouse, but it has settled down since.  


    We do need to wear masks at all times while onboard with the usual exceptions.  Not sure if that will change when we leave Spain.  


    Food overall has been quite good.  


    Wifi has been a disappointment.  


    Ship does look great as expected.


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  10. Hello, am sailing on the Apex TA -- if you have any particular questions will answer.  Probably some of the reason there is little chatter so far has been the wifi has been sub-optimal.  In each port I'm just hooking up to my cellular connection with my international data package and that has worked great.  At least until we start the passage.  Hopeful for improvement.  At any rate, if any questions or curiosities let me know.  

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  11. Just a follow-up as we're on the Apex and talked at length to their internet lounge staff.  Everyone on line has the same basic complaint - the speed.  But, when you talk to the reps (who are very nice and in a though spot) they make it sound like everything is fine.  First it's the ship position.  Then it's things are different now than before 'the virus'.  Then it's there are new security protocols slowing it down.  Or it's your computer, etc... The fact that we've been on a number of ships with decent wifi, and now are on one of the newest it just doesn't land.  Who knows, maybe they are trying to limit bandwidth costs to control costs but marketing keeps cranking out marketing materials promising surfing & streaming.  Sells bookings - and they deal with the fallout onboard.  We asked them to push this through the faceless IT staff onboard or back to corporate.  Perhaps it will all magically improve 🙂  

  12. I'd agree with above - you cannot assume/blanket statement no masks.  Will very much depend on the sailing.  We are on the Transatlantic on Apex now.  Masks REQUIRED indoors everywhere.  Only take them off for eating/drinking.  Despite the fact that all onboard are vaccinated and all had to take a test to get on at the port.  Still requiring masks for everyone.  Plus another test mid-cruise.  Plus another test to get back into the USA.  Still masks required at all points indoors.  Had we known, we would have rescheduled until next year but this seemed to be a closely guarded secret until we boarded.  Not much you can do.  Anyway, just realize it's not a sure thing at least currently that you can be maskless.  

  13. We are on Apex right now (Transatlantic) and I can tell you the Stream has been awful.  No way can you stream as advertised and we're less than half full.  I'm only posting this since right now later at night and it's creeping along a bit faster.  Had staff say "yeah, that looks slower than it should be" -- and they have submitted a ticket to IT.  That was early today.  No change.  Oddly, doing Google searches is almost impossible - I've had to switch to Yahoo/Bing because google.com will barely come up (can take minutes) -- anyway, it's nowhere near our experiences on Royal (sister company) and even some other lines.  Maybe giving Surf to everyone means it's going to stink for all.  

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  14. I was a passenger on the ship with my wife.  A few of my thoughts...I figured it would be a minor miracle if we made it the whole cruise without any cases.  Just too many people crossing paths in ports and onboard.  The fact that Chile "gave" some the virus then refused to let people off, in a safe manner (which was entirely doable) led to 4000 people potentially getting exposed.  To me, that will always be the biggest failing.  Chile was happy to take our money in their ports, but then decided to refuse our right to get home.  They could have insisted on masks, gloves, direct to the airports, etc.... 


    Anyway, second, I feel the hysteria that thousands of disease infected Eclipsers are now infecting the world is ridiculous.  The virus is already here.  The percentage coming from cruise people is a fraction of 1 percent.  It's the least of the problem.  I of course agree that everyone should quarantine for at least the 14 days -- and hopefully, like us, people were smart on their trip home.  Not because we thought we might have been exposed (we were told no) but who wasn't completely paranoid in every bus, taxi, airport, plane, ?  I wasn't going to touch a thing and washed constantly.  


    With that said, I have developed symptoms that seem Covid19-like.  Starting Monday had a light, dry cough, headache, muscle fatigue.  That was probably Monday evening . No fever.  Then of course read that there were cases.  Got a bit more concerned.  Tuesday evening had a massive case of the chills, and sure enough temperature spiked to above 100.  Over the last two days I've gone as high as 101.4.  I decided to get tested yesterday.


    Let me share my experience on that.  I went to one place (drive up testing) and got tested.  They proceeded to tell me the tests are not that reliable right now (great) -- I think they give a lot of false negatives.  I'm assuming if you test positive this is not a factor but they don't always pick up on it.  For that reason, I decided to go to another place hoping their lab was better.  Their swab test was more thorough (both nostrils, much longer time) and the doc there tells me "this is only 60% accurate - if it comes back negative you still have it" -- which was odd to hear but I get it.  They know the tests are not perfect and if you have symptoms like I do then you need to treat it like you have it just in case.  Finally, the first clinic called me back and said they just got in the new pin ***** blood test that gets a result in 15 minutes and I should comeback and take that while we wait for the swab tests (which takes 1-3 days for results).....I went back, did that test and...negative.  Of course she then said it's a brand new test and they don't know how accurate.  Crazy.  So, right now 1 of 3 tests say negative.  Are they reliable? Not really from what I've been told.


    Anyway, I did see many people who were sick onboard, coughing, etc...did seem like there was something going around but certainly did not have to be C19.  Any ship I've ever sailed on with a lot of people I see similar. 


    However, my last point.  I think Captain Leo and officers got way into the hero worship that was going on.  I was never comfortable with it.  Did Celebrity treat us great?  Absolutely.  But the hero worship that was going on was uncomfortable.  Especially in light of the new facts - there were people showing exact, matching symptoms.  We all were up on the news, them included, those were obvious potential cases.  I would have respected it far more if they had implemented social distancing, spacing at dinners, spacing in shows.  Maybe there wasn't enough to quarantine to rooms - that would have been awful - but to let us all pack together everywhere, (how many times did we all have to line up in a confined space with people breathing on your neck?)  is where this falls apart for me.  Some precautions should have been taken at the minimum.  I think they got into prancing around deck being honored as heroes.  That's just my take.


    Hope all stay healthy - - definitely stay quarantined at home the full 14 days even if you feel fine.  



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  15. Just an update from over on the Eclipse.  Chile continues to do everything possible to make our departure as difficult as possible.  Refusing our ability to even provision and refuel at the dock is turning this into a multi-day ordeal.  Hopefully a smaller ship like the Pursuit will take less time.  They couldn't have been worse hosts (Chile) and I for one will never return.  Celebrity is doing what they can.  

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  16. How about an apology from Chile for spreading false propaganda to support their closure of the ports early when they claimed the Pursuit was in quarantine and had cases.  They were quick to add to their "story" but haven't heard a word retracting. 

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  17. I have gotten so much out of my time on CruiseCritic I figured the least I could do is post a few items from this recent cruise and of course be happy to answer any and all questions.


    I did post a full review already so I won't just reprint all that here. I can tell you that I've been on about 17 cruises including RCL, NCL, Windstar, Crystal, Disney, Princess and Tauck. I think I have a wide cross section of experiences.


    Let me mention some highlights of my Anthem of the Seas sailing (June 13th)

    *Incredible internet. Sure, there were a few 'slow" periods but I've never experienced speed like this onboard. Frequently 2MB to 10MB speed and an all in price point of about $15 per day. Several different packages and discounts you could choose from.

    *Ship is impressive. It is very sleek, quite modern and has an really fun array of interactive experiences including an art collection like no other. Sure, if you are into very classic art it might not be your cup of tea but it's fun no matter your style.

    *Fun experiences - where else can you ride bumper cars, experience iFly skydiving simulator, roller-skate and have a drink served by a robotic arm?

    *I know it's new but definitely extremely well maintained so far. Everything seems to shine.

    *SOME dining experiences are excellent. Wonderland is well worth it for the food and experience. Cafe 270 is a winner for casual and convenience. Jamie's (now back to a flat rate) was high quality.

    *Plenty of free coffee and some of the better coffee I've had at no charge on a ship


    Low lights?

    First, let me say you'll have a great time on this sailing so this critique doesn't mean it's not a fun trip however...

    *The service is really not ready for prime time. I had some "ok" service and some bad service. Nobody really stood out which has never happened on a sailing for me. I had an awful experience with a bartender who refused to let anyone see the menu - he literally hid it - mainly didn't want to bother with the more complicated drinks. And had two really poor experiences in main dining rooms (Chic and Grande)-- in one case we had four people arguing on the staff when we asked to move one table over and then our server once we got his attention rushed us and was quite disinterested. In the Grande it took 35 minutes to even get our drink order in. Enough said.

    *The tendering ports are brutal. This ship is too large - it probably will get better but there were 2 hour waits in Guernsey to get back onboard. Getting off was also an hour to 2 hours. Ports with a pier/dock? Easy - walk off.

    *Food was mixed. Major standouts and some real misses. I was very disappointed with the Windjammer for breakfast in particular. Not up to my recent "buffet" experiences on comparable NCL Getaway ship.


    A few tips?

    Reserve online. I couldn't believe how many people show up and haven't reserved a thing. First of all, they take a ton of the staff time that could be better spent, cause long lines and confusion. Yes, it will take you a few hours of online time but so worth it.


    Do the iFly. Great experience - any age.


    Shows are good. It will be personal of course but they do a nice job and the event stages are really impressive. But, get there early for 270. People get there 30-45 minutes before show time and seats will fill up.


    Standby people on our sailing seemed to be getting in - a lot of people don't show up for their reserved times.


    Do pay for the premium restaurants. I know, I know there are 4 sit down restaurants included (and they are good with the service exceptions) but I think it's worth it to upgrade at least on a couple of evenings to a paid premium restaurant.


    Making a spa reservation? Press the service staff for better times - they hold back the better times and try to get you to take the worst times - 8am, etc... even smarter? Book online at home and see all the times available.


    Use the gym if that's your thing - I found it to be the right size for this ship and always had open equipment.



  18. First, thanks for all the great feedback on my initial question.


    There are definitely some interesting tactics, hacks and workarounds being proposed.


    Here's what I was told and going through an actual booking. The policy if all of it is read (the agent read it to me on the phone) goes onto say that if you have adults that can be in the rooms you have to do it that way - meaning 2 adults in one cabin, 2 children in the other you do need to split up.


    In fact, I was able to book online using a fake birthdate initially figuring I'd then callback once I showed NCL I booked two cabins next door to each other (this might be different for true connecting rooms - I'm only talking next door)


    The rep who was very nice was unable to change the birthdate to the actual one because it would then cause an issue. That cabin with two minors has no way to accept the terms & conditions that you have to accept when checking in online.


    This then went to a supervisor who after some time approved it -- because I had been told next door would be o.k. but it's definitely not an easy, quick thing for them.


    What I have to do is the adult cabin is an easy check in. The kids cabin you go through the checkin online and then it won't let you agree to the T&C. He gave me a special email address you then have to email with all the details -- they then send you back (the adult) the T&C to accept on behalf of that cabin, and then ultimately they push the ability to move on and finish the documentation after this back and forth.


    Of course I'm sure you could do this at the pier as well if you didn't want the back and forth before you go.


    Clearly I'd normally just split the adults but it totally messes up the UBP in the adult cabin and for example choosing gratuities in the kid's cabin.


    I realize there are ideas above on how to get away with this, cards, etc... and I'm sure they "could" work but sounds like added stress to worry about trying to get away something on a vacation.


    Anyway, this is how I ended up doing it and all is to policy this way.


    Thanks for the suggestions - very helpful!

  19. So, here's my situation. Want to sail on NCL. Married with two children(12+). Would like to get a room for us the adults and one for the children.


    Now I realize (or I think) policy is NCL wants someone over 25 in each room so my thought was we split the adults up. Then just reshuffle once onboard.


    However, I get the UBP with my booking in one of the cabins. So, how can I get both adults receiving the UBP if I end up putting one of us adults in the inside cabin with a child to satisfy NCL's age requirement?


    Anyone know how this game of room jenga could work?



  20. Not sure what else I can add about Rome in Limo that you probably haven't read before but we used them on our trip to Italy and our Celebrity Cruise the past couple of weeks. We used them for a variety of things from picking us up at the airport, driving us to the ship, taking us back to the airport. Plus, we had a full day tour of Rome which was excellent and then a full day tour of the Amalfi Coast with a great guide. Overall they have my highest recommendation. I can't see how anyone would be disappointed with their service -- always prompt, high quality vehicles and quality drivers and guides. You can't go wrong.

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