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Posts posted by lhessler816

  1. On 1/6/2019 at 12:22 PM, escentialssoycandles said:

    It was the most amazing day and setting. I think our resort total was like $2500 and that was for champagne toast, rum punch, wedding cake for 35, 1 changing room, archway, speaker and use of resort. Here is the link to our photos - if you contact Bohio please let them know Shanny & Sean referred you.


    Congrats on your wedding! I am talking to Bohio right now about planning a reception party at their resort in May 2020. We are planning on having the symbolic ceremony on the deck of the boat, which they said "should" be an available option by May 2020, and im wanting to have a small reception party on the beach afterwards, and Bohio looks like a good option. Any tips or tricks? It wont let me click your link for pictures, but i imagine it was gorgeous!

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