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Posts posted by cigal

  1. Question for the week:

    Any dresses you'd want for a cruise here? I think there are lots of good choices (you can make small changes to color and "fixes").



    Shirin's dress in a New York second!!! Lurved it!:)

    I was SO glad she talked it out with Tim - when I saw her with all those feathers, I thought...."Don't do it.":eek:

    Her embroidery was amazing! I would keep the dress white ('cause that's my color:)), but I would probably want it a tad bit longer, and maybe with an uneven hem of some sort....


    I also like Gordana's dress - it was very creative and completely took out the "Wedding Dress" feel while still using the wedding dress (and not making it into some boring MOB dress - you are absolutely right about that Curt.....;)).

    I would wear it in a silver/grey or black or even royal blue, but not with the boots:eek:. I'm more of a silver, strappy, 1-inch heels kinda gal.....:D

  2. Between Curt & Steve and an few other who posted, they are THE most knowldgeable helpful people I've ever met! And have felt honored they have taken such attention to detail for me. :o

    That's the special perk just for this forum........you get personal experience from the West Coast BOYZ...:D:D

    They RAWK!!


    I don't mean beer or wine, but vodka. :D Can you actually buy vodka at your local CVS or grocery store? :eek:

    You can!! Isn't that cool?

    All day Sunday even!!:)


    Have an awesome trip!!

  3. The All Stars show was great, nice to see some of the familiar faces, a shame to see a couple of them there....ones who have already won should not be eligible again.


    Absolutely!! I thought it should have been between the 2nd and 3rd place people - not the winners!! What else do they need?


    Oh well - they didn't ask me!:D:D


    It was still fun though.....:)

  4. It's starting...

    Squeeeee!!!!! I'm watching...:)


    Also set your DVRs for Friday night, as they are finally showing the All-Stars Special that they filmed long ago...;) Some of your old favorites together for the first time.


    Done!! It was just on here - glad to know there is a repeat.....

    Can't get enough PR...:D:D

  5. Alice .. for some reason they are on at 7PM in this part of the West Coast. Actually that works really well for me .. can't wait!


    Thanks, Kathy!! I had to go double check.:D But it still shows 8PM here.....

    Maybe I'll turn it on early just to be sure....:)


    But everyone else - better check the times in your area.....don't want to be missing out now do we.....:eek:


    cruisemom - that's a drag!! Hound your cable company until they put it back....... I don't have any ideas about other ways to watch it. Maybe someone else does??

  6. Okay my Fashion Friends......


    I went into the way back machine to find this thread and bring it back to the front page where it belongs.....:D


    Unless you've been living under a rock - you should know that Project Runway is set to start airing on Lifetime Channel tomorrow night.:)


    So set your recorders or alarms or whatever you have to do to remember to watch, and then let the commenting begin.......


    The show airs regularly at 10 PM on the West Coast, but this week there is an all-star show at 8 PM that should be good!


    Let's have fun!!


    p.s. - I think this is the "official" PR thread......but if not I know Curt will point us to the right one......:D:p:D

  7. Are you a good sewer? A friend of mine is a master sewing technician and teaches techniques. He's published a couple of books on techniques, and he sells CD's for advanced sewers. If you're interested, I'll get you a link to his CD's.


    Sorry Jane,:p


    I am not an advanced sewer......Heck - I'm not even a good sewer. Sewers are for waste products.:eek:

    But I am a good seamstress, and I know some advanced tailors.:p :p :D

    So I would really lurv the link for your friends' CDs - I am always on the lookout for better techniques. Would you be so kind as to post the link here? If you do - I promise I won't tease you anymore.......:D

  8. Well, I am pretty sure that was Kenley's thought too when they announced Tim Gunn would be the judge for the finals.:eek: The look on her face was priceless.


    Hello Kenley ~ meet Karma!!

    :D :eek: :D


    That being said......I'm really happy with the winner tonight. I can't wait to see CJW's pics.......I would wear any of Leanne's dresses (except the wedding dress) on a cruise, and some of Kenley's and Korto's dresses too.

  9. Thanks Curt, for putting up such an awesome review, as always.....

    Whatever would we do without you?:)


    That being said, I absolutely LOVED both of Leanne's dresses!!! I just think they go so well with her theme, and the way her wedding dress moved was just amazing!! I would have died for a little pocket in my wedding dress - What a great idea......just think, a couple of breath mints...a kleenex for the tears......the "real" rings........perfect!!:)

    Her bridesmaids dress was also really gorgeous - the sculptured top and the way the cloth in the skirt was draped. I would wear that in a heartbeat on a cruise.......or other dressy affairs - like a wedding....or better yet - a cruise wedding....:D


    I actually liked all four bridesmaids dresses, even Jerrells (without the flower thing of course....)


    The other wedding dresses......not so much....

    Kenley's was a little "out there" for me, but really well made. I just think she knew she gets a little too much "inspiration" from others;)

    I'm looking forward to CJW's comparisons and his take on all of this.


    Jerell's and Korto's were my least favorite. This is the second dress of Jerells that I wanted to reach out and yank up the top!! And what is weird is that I did not feel that way about his bridesmaid dress! I can't remember which judge said the bottom of the wedding dress looked dirty, but I agree! I don't understand why he chose that shade of tulle.....it looked like she'd stopped to take pictures on the beach before she headed to the runway....

    I do like the way the cloth draped over the tulle though, and also the way the back looked....so it wasn't all bad but I just couldn't get past the way the tulle looked dirty.


    Korto's beadwork is stunning. I am glad she made it to the top three just because I want to see how she incorporates all the beadwork in the rest of her collection. (Thanks Kathy for the preview!!)

    The rest of the dress just had too much "stuff" on the top, and I didn't like where the seam line was on the skirt. Like Curt said, the color is kind of blah, but I would like to know why she chose the color she did......maybe there is some good reason we haven't heard yet.


    Overall, though, it was a really good show. Tim Gunn is a very good sport!! I wish Leanne had had a backup helmet though so they could have both been wearing helmets....:)

    I'm looking forward to the Finale. My vote is for Leanne, but hubby's favorite is Kenley:( I think they will all do really well regardless of the outcome.....

  10. And lastly, a BIG BEAR HUG for Mr. CJW, who tirelessy get's the pix up and gives us some inside info. What a sweeeeeeeeetie for doing that. THANKS!


    Yeah - He RAWKS!!!:)

    We need a hugging smilie....that would totally work!!


    That being said.......


    Even though I'm irked by the judges......I really enjoyed the challenge.


    Jerrell's dress was pretty, but like Heidi, I wanted to pull up the top - I was worried about a "wardrobe malfunction"!!:eek:


    Kenley's dress was neat - but I didn't think it fit the challenge. Jane is right though - it was complete and very well made.


    My favorite was Leanne's dress. I LURVED the style - especially the bodice. I get that she was trying to put in the second color as a contrast, but I don't get why she put it where she did. To me, it looked like the contrast color was thrown in as an afterthought.......:eek:

    I would have liked to see some of the sewn in ruching pieces done in the contrast color - I think that would have balanced everything out more and made it look more like the real flowers.


    Korto's dress was a close second for me. Again, the top is really fabulous. I would love to be able to wear that type of bodice.:)

    The color was to-die-for!! I've seen those flowers around here - don't know what they are called, but I want some!!:D


    I would wear Leanne's or Korto's dress on a cruise in a N.Y. second.....if I could.......:)


    Oh, and,

    Thanks Again, CJW!!

  11. Well i wonder who is going to be ousted tonight. Hope it is Kenley.


    Yeah......I think we all did.........:rolleyes:


    That being said, I thought the final outcome of this week's episode was kind of a cop-out.....:confused:


    BUT - I understand that it adds drama, and prolongs the viewership......which does make for good TV (from a producer and advertiser point-of-view at least)

    Oh well, I'm looking forward to seeing how CJW explains the decision. He always adds insightful clarity.:D

  12. I think the wrong person went home this evening. Attitude alone should have aufed her!


    Yeah, but I can't believe it took them this long to get rid of Mr. Third Person.:cool:


    From the previews for next week's show.......whatever they are worth:rolleyes:.....she is worse next week.

    I think they will auf Kenley next week (because of her mouth!), leaving Jerrell, Leanne, and Korto for the top three.


    Anyone else agree?

  13. Hastah La Vistah, Sleathah.........:D

    I do have to admire her for keeping it together on camera though. The last few have been crying as they left. I know I would be a mess if I wanted something that bad and didn't get it. So I really have to give her credit for being so composed at the end.
    I don't think she was very good, but she did stick to what she thought she did well. Stella did it her way, and never really listened to what Tim suggested. She stuck to her guns, which can be a good thing in some instances, but in this case it got her aufed.

    Leanne is really coming in to her own!! She has really impressed me the last few times. I would love to see her in the final three.

    Kenley's dress was very cute!! I would totally wear it on a cruise......or other special events coming up.......;)
  14. Thanks so much for your excellent review Curt. As always, you did an awesome job and I really appreciate how much work you put into these recaps. I have gotten into the show SO much more because I can come back and revisit everything and appreciate it all on a deeper level. It is also way easier to comment on everything now.


    This challenge really cracked me up. Very different and funny. The irony of Joe winning just added to the fun.


    The point of the challenge (which I applaud) was to stretch the designers to design as big and theatrical as possible, but at the same time satisfy the needs and personality of their client.

    Actually a very good challenge concept. Also kind of like the avant garde challenge last season, where the point was to be as big and theatrical as possible.


    I totally agree with this, Curt. It wasn't about whether a designer would actually make that in real life, but it was to see what was possible. The avant garde challenge last season was my favorite challenge of that season. It just goes to show that if you step outside your comfort zone you just might surprise yourself! Joe did that and it paid off big for him. I liked his Olympic outfit, so I was glad to see him finally win a challenge, especially since because of the irony factor.


    I actually kind of liked Blayne's outfit. I wish he had been able to make the wing things work a little better, but the outfit itself made me laugh. Blayne, on the other hand, gag me!! But I don't think he's going to be around much longer. As much as the 'licious stuff drives me up the wall, I'd rather hear that than the "holla atcha." For some reason, I can tune out the 'licious, but the "holla atcha" is like nails on a chalkboard. But that is just me.:D


    For the whole Halloween costume thing (BTW - what a great question Curt), I think I would wear Leanne's costume. (I really liked it and I do think she should have been in the top three instead of Terri.)

    What would I do with it? I would make it into sort of a Futuristic Teacher to the Martians thing. It would definately be out of my comfort zone for what I wear when I'm teaching, but hey - it worked for Joe. And who knows - maybe it is appropriate for teachers on Mars!!:D

  15. Would some pleeze slap Mistah Hollah/licious and Mistah 3rd person in the head. Heather, don't you teach your children to "use your words", apparently, no one ever taught that skill to these two knuckleheads.


    Hilarious, Jane! And so true!!

  16. CJW!,


    Thanks for all the work you do on this every week!! Your pictures have piqued DH's interest and he actually watched PR with me this week.:)


    When he saw Kenley's dress he said, in his best Arnold voice, "It's a TUMOR!" He couldn't believe it won!! I liked the print, but not the purple stuff that poofed out on one side.....didn't seem like it would be very flattering for the average person.


    I wish Leanne had won! The dress really matched the picture and the workmanship seemed excellent when the model walked down the runway.


    I'm not a fan of dresses over pants.....but that's just me! The cloth was fabulous, and so was the back of the dress, but I didn't like it with the pants.


    I agree with CJW that Jerell was robbed!! The dress was FAB and I think he interpreted the picture very well.


    Sleather (perfect nickname for her....whoever came up with it) She is a one trick pony.....if it's not leather she doesn't get very far. I think they are just keeping her (and that 'licious guy :eek: ) just for the drama.


    Suede is obnoxious......I can mute him though:D BUT - his model is really cute. She worked that dress really well, and made it pop and be less boring.


    I actually thought Keith's dress was cute!! I loved the uneven hem and the way the dress moved. I would have put Blayne or Sleather in the bottom three over him......but they didn't ask me!:(


    I think the ruffle on Emily's dress was badly placed, but I wish they had aufed Jennifer - her dress was boring!! Reminded me of the Nun looking dress from last season.


    Well - that's just my humble 2 cents!! Thanks again CJW ~ your pictures make it SOOOO much easier to comment.....You Rawk!!!


    Till next week!

  17. ...I would agree that the garbage bag girl should have gone home first, before the shower curtain guy...but--assuming the judges only see the final product--I don't think it was apparent that he put in more effort and design work than she did...I think what sent him over the edge toward good-bye were those yellow dishwashing gloves...


    Good point tiger belle - I didn't think about that.


    So the next time anyone is tempted to wear dishwashing gloves.......just ask yourself "Why?":eek:



    :D :)

  18. The Winners:


    The winning (Kelly's) dress was fabulous!! Not only did she use a variety of "fabrics," but she also used several different strategies to add depth to the materials (the dye and bleach thing, burning the coffee filters, etc.) Lurved it!!


    The blue dress was also really cool, but I think it would have been neat to use other colors for accessories or accents.


    The Losers:

    The Garbage Bag dress was crap!!! Why is she still here?? :eek:


    The guy that did lose made a horrid looking outfit too, but at least he put in some effort! Although I don't think he executed it very well, the idea of a shower curtain as a raincoat was intriguing.


    Same with the diaper looking outfit. The guy is weird and kind of creepy, and the outfit was bizarre, but at least he did something. The trash bag chick just wandered around most of the time and then slapped a couple of partly opened bags together and called it a day......pulllleeeeeze!!!


    So, as I said......my two cents - that's all!

    (And with hardly any smilies Curt);)


    Of course, I'm looking forward to Curt's perspective and pictures.:D



  19. ........I can't read this thread until after I watch the show in California.:D :D :D


    I will say, though, that the designers are some of the most "interesting" people I've seen since leaving Los Angeles.:D :p


    I'll be back later to add my 2 cents.

  20. Our absolute worst was the cheesecake on Carnival Spirit. It was this weird tasteless jello-y jiggly thing. Really horrible !!


    I was on the Inspiration a few years back - there were 8 of us travelling together so we all sat at the same table. We all ordered the cheesecake. It was nasty!! Kind of jello-y and warm:eek:. I thought they made it from that boxed cheesecake mix. After we all took one bite we unanimously agreed it was the worst. We put all 8 plates in the middle of the table, each with one bite of the cheesecake missing. Our waiter came by and said: "Didn't like the cheesecake, eh??" :D

    We all ordered something else, and never again the cheesecake.

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