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Posts posted by Chapparal

  1. I want to do the Panama Canal cruise. I understand the re-positoning one where you fly back from where you end up enables one to see all the canal, etc. I live in Phoenix. Any advice on cruise line and cruise and dates that might work the best. I understand this is generally a 14 or 16 day cruise?  Thanks for the info!!

  2. 7 minutes ago, Husky61 said:



    I am well aware of third party companies that provide background checks.  However, the cost to any cruise line would be astronomical considering the thousands of passengers onboard, plus the time it would take to conduct the check..  Those background companies can only check one state at a time, and most of the states do not allow public access to their databases.  Court records are public records and open to the public, and that is where they get their records.  I was in law enforcement for over 30 years and I don't know of a state that allows any background company to access their criminal database. Quite frankly, I doubt that Carnival conducts a sex offender check on each and every passenger.


    The link to the attorney supplies nothing but speculation about how often sex offenders cruise and for what purpose.😃

    Thank you for the info. Do you think it is worthwhile to contact the Mexican Embassy and/or Carnival to try and get a clarification?  Also, do you think they would notify me prior to my cruise if I was for some reason denied boarding? 

  3. 21 minutes ago, chengkp75 said:

    Yeah, and misdemeanors are usually not of interest overseas (unless that misdemeanor is a felony in another country).  The disorderly conduct is no worries, the DUI will cause problems with Canada, but not with Mexico.

    Thanks for the info,

  4. 4 minutes ago, chengkp75 said:

    Much as I hate to provide a link to this bottom feeder's website, here is a well known anti-cruise line lawyer who states that both RCI and Carnival run background checks on passengers:



    Thanks for the info. To be clear, I'm certainly not on any registered sexual offender list, etc. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, nascarcruiser said:

    We had a guy in a dive group that went with us to cozumel every year.  We would fly down.  Upon getting to cozumel he would get scrutinized entering Mexico and upon landing back in the US but he was never denied entry into Cozumel in the years we went when he was going 

    Ok....I wouldn't think the misdemeanor thing would be a huge deal...I understand it is in Canada because they consider a DUI a felony....

  6. Who is RCI?  I can call the Embassy but from reading other posts am under the impression I won't get an answer. 


    Also, I wouldn't use a travel agent. I would just book online or directly through the cruise line...Carnival most likely.  

  7. Ouch, so I'm getting conflicting reports here, also. It would be embarrassing to tell friends and family I"m going on a cruise to Mexico via Carnival Cruise Lines or whomever and then having to explain not being able to cruise....do they tell you right after you book or just 30 days before or do they wait until you are actually in Long Beach or do they not tell you at all, etc.


    Does anyone here know for sure...it would most likely be the three or four day cruise from Long Beach to Ensanada in December...via Carnival....thanks for your help...

  8. But I'd already be on the ship from Long Beach. I would think the only thing that could "possibly" happen is they don't let me get off at Ensanada or whatever Mexican city...I know Canada is different. I don't care about Canada. They can shove it. LOL. 

  9. I am thinking about a Mexican Riviera Cruise from Long Beach. I have two misdemeanors..one from 11 years ago for disorderly conduct...and one from 5 years ago which was a DUI...for that one I served unsupervised probation for three years...


    Will I have trouble getting off the cruise ship in Mexico?  Thanks for any advice...



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