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Posts posted by edcat

  1. Hi, I've been keto since Oct 2012 and re the hair loss it's very common as the body goes into shock with the rapid withdrawal of carbs and your hair stops growing. About three to four months in you feel like your loosing your hair but it's actually the new growth pushing the old dead growth out.   My hair fell out alarmingly around Feb 2013 but when I went to the Dr she could see all the baby hairs growing through.

    As for going off keto on your cruise it's doable but you will feel yuck as you will leave ketosis and by reintroducing those carbs (processed food) your poor body will feel yucky and probably let you know with tiredness, headaches or your bowels doing random things.

    I tend to raise my carb amount from under 20grams per day up to 50 grams per day when on holiday.  So I drink beer, wine and eat a few fries or potato chips when I feel like it.  I'll have some ice cream but not three cones in one day.   I can't have any bread or fried foods as when I went keto and then tried to reintroduce wheat products I became very ill.  Guess what I'm saying is stay keto on holiday but have a few treats.  Just stay near a loo if highly processed treat as sometimes it hits hard and fast ... yikes. 

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