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Posts posted by Nissemor

  1. On 2/2/2019 at 3:59 PM, bluesea777 said:

    Try the sideway OK cabins closest to the mid-ship elevators. We were in 8094 on the Jade and again on the Jewel, and we loved it - ideal location! We still got some view - we could see the sea and sky.


    JEWEL and JADE are exact sisters, and PEARL and GEM are also exact sisters but different from the first two.


    J & J have the shops aft and Bliss lounge mid-ship, whereas the other two P & G have shops mid-ship and Bliss lounge aft.



    We wanted to book the cabin 8094 at Jade. But our Cruise consultant at NCL didn’t let us because she was worried that it would be very nosying at nighttime because of the elevator and the O’sheehans.
    What is your experience?
    Sorry for grammar this is not my language.


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