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St Pete FL Male

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Posts posted by St Pete FL Male

  1. I called MSC today 9/9/21 and was told by 3 different customer service employees that a rapid antigen test was not acceptable for the pretesting requirement and that I had to have an antigen test. I was  under the assumption that they were one in the same but not according to MSC. I told them I was not getting a home test but a laboratory test by my county health department or else walgreen's. I asked to speak to a supervisor to get clarification but was denied. I called a pharmacist and was told that the tests were one in the same. I even called a travel agency and had them call MSC and the travel agency called me back to tell me that MSC said a rapid antigen test was not acceptable and they wanted an antigen test and that their website specifically states antigen test and not rapid antigen test. I would appreciate it if someone else would call MSC and see if they can get to the bottom of this. I would hate to get the rapid antigen test and then be denied boarding. I have been on 2 prior MSC cruises and never had a problem with them but now I am wondering if I should go elsewhere.

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