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Everything posted by Kastaka

  1. I like some very specific bottled water and I often find other water tastes funny and then I don't hydrate enough. If the on board water meets my fussy standard I'll just refill one, but I won't know that until I'm already there...
  2. I did have a look around before starting another thread, but I couldn't find a clear answer: taking bottled water on board, how much are we allowed? Some places say 12 soft drink items, some say 1 bottle each. What I'd like to do is take a six pack each of our normal 750ml bottles we usually have in the back of the car, but I don't want to have them embarrassingly confiscated :-).
  3. Yes, the quotes from the FAQ were useful :).
  4. It's a Fjords cruise - I do own some dresses, just nothing suitable for colder weather :).
  5. Oops, it looks like this is more contentious than I was expecting! I'm female, by the way. I have some corporate polo shirts from a few companies ago, it sounds like they'll be okay?
  6. I'm a bit worried about the smart casual requirements for dinner - as a tech worker my entire wardrobe is tshirts, hoodies and cords :). Do I need to go buy some nice tops or am I going to be okay?
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