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Posts posted by nathananalex

  1. My daughter and I always wanted to cruise,we decided last year that we would take my grand daughter for an all girls cruise for her 13th birthday.We paid monthly,we bought her a huge suitcase,packed it with everything she would need for her trip,printed out itineraries,photos,and maps,and copies of boarding passes,packed it all in her suitcase.Then our March cruise was cancelled,so we bought her a pc game and gave her the suitcase,and told her we would rebook.We were able to rebook in July,but we added her brother,who is graduating highschool,we would normally take a family trip somewhere like Galveston before he heads off to college,so we thought this will work.We are crossing our fingers that things work out,with a back up plan to rebook for next summer if we have to cancel again.

  2. If someone was tested first in line,and 5 minutes later as they go through the process it is determined they are infected,how many more people would have come into contact with them in the lines while being processed?How many more would now be carrying the virus,only to become infected themselves,and have it show up on a test a day or 2 later.

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