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Posts posted by Dearie5

  1. actors weren’t popular or anyone I know


    husband was dying in beginning (present day) and also was the scene at end. A black minister was at hospital room. Husband took his last breath and suddenly started breathing again but nurse ( might have been a daughter) said that was normal sometimes. He did die. 

    Flash backs were to when they first met -were dating. Dad was military and gave him hard time. Young man then joined military to show dad he was worthy. Dad still gave him hard time.  Mom was easier on them. 


  2. Can anyone give me the name of the movie shown on the Norwegian where a girl meets a guy, the father is a jack ass, they get married and the father finally accepts the guy.  Father is military and so is the young guy that wants to marry his daughter.


    Thank you so much, they don't show credits after the movies on the ship and I caught it a little after it started.

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