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Posts posted by mipo777

  1. Yes, hopefully that won't be the case. I guess worst case scenario they are just in port an extra day, enjoying Vancouver. That was one of the reason's we picked a cruise that ends the day before Labor Day, gives us working stiffs an extra grace day to get home. :)


    I do appreciate everyone's thoughts on this & would love to hear from anyone who is now ending their cruises what time they were able to get off & get to the airport. I still haven't figured out the fastest way to get us all to the airport but its looking like cab.

  2. Thanks for the good review. My family was initially interested in this trip but it sounded like too much bus time to me so I talked them into the Triple Denali & then the full 7 day cruise. Sounds like that was a good plan. When did you get the info on the Tundra tour, hotels, ect? We are assuming that our Tundra tour will be the 1st day we are in Denali & book an ATV tour & Husky Homestead for the next day. Hopefully we didn't guess incorrectly. :)

  3. Hi everyone,

    I was wondering if anyone has done bridge fishing in Ketchikan? I've read on these boards that Dolly's House rents the gear which is perfect, but do they also handle the processing as well or do you have to catch and release? My wife & I would like to do some fishing and ship home as we love wild salmon, but thought the bridge fishing would be nice since we have such a short time in Ketchikan.


    If we can't get them processed we may go with Ken's tour instead, which sounds amazing, I just know it will take up our whole day.


    Thanks for any input you can share.

  4. In theory if the 'US Direct' program is operating again, and you're with the right cruise line, and you prebook a cruiseline transfer, you'll travel in bond and not need to go through either Canadian Immigration/Customs at the pier or US I&C at the airport.


    Most recent info is from last year - see link. Check with your cruiseline to see if they are members this time around (they'll also know if the program is running).


    Interesting, it referenced landing in YVR & getting to ship. If it works in reverse, then this might help a lot.

  5. Thanks for the insight. I looked at other flights but unfortunately the prices are now $250 pp higher than what they bought (and this is a one way tix). No doubt other responsible cruisers who booked early as well since there was only 1 option after noon to fly out. Only their airline didn't move their flight time up 2.5 hrs.


    So once again, thanks SO much United. We're stuck with you for better or likely much worse.

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