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Posts posted by venussuz

  1. I'm asking the above because I finally received a settlement from Aon over nine months after filing the claim, and it was for the exact amount I paid for one night of the cruise, despite my isolation onbord ship being longer than that, and $209 for food expenses over 5 nights in a quarantine hotel. I was told by multiple people, including Princess employees, not to worry about receipts for food while in quarantine at a hotel outside London, the $100/day was automatic. Ends up it's not automatic, at least according to Aon, who even shorted me based on the receipts I could provide. 

    Does anyone have the paperwork provided by Princess re the process of disembarking and going to a quarantine hotel? I never received the paperwork for this (or anything else - my Covid paperwork was likely sent two doors down as I received their Covid paperwork and returned it to them) and those in my group can't find theirs. 

  2. On 2/5/2023 at 12:43 PM, klfrodo said:

    It's only been about 30 days since your last post asking this question. With everything going on, I would expect that it will be 90 to 120 days. Is that acceptable to the consumer? Not to me. However, it is what it is.


    Each state has it's own commissioner who regulates insurance sold in that state. My state (Washington) has a regulation that within 30 days of a claim being filed, the insurance company must have responded. (How much bite that holds is unknown to me). However, after 45 days, I filed a complaint with my state insurance commission. They did send a letter to the insurance company. Whether that helped speed up the process or what, I don't know.


    I searched to the best of my ability on the Florida Insurance commission site and could not find the time limits that I was search for. Doesn't mean it's not there, I just couldn't find it.

    If nothing else, file a complaint. Here's the website for Florida residents.


    Home (floir.com)

    I did the same, filed a complaint with the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services as well as the state AG and the Better Business Bureau on March 29th. This was after Aon took over 9 months to decide anything on my trip interruption claim. 

    Fascinatingly, they decided on my cabin mate's case the next day - denied - and mine three days later. Aon "settled" my claim for a fraction of what I believe I was owed. I'm in the process of appealing the decision now, but I learned never to buy insurance through the cruise company.   

  3. On 3/25/2023 at 4:16 PM, drbeamer said:

    @venussuzWe FINALLY got our reimbursement after filing complaint with the state insurance commission. What an ordeal. I hope you get yours soon

    Less than a week after filing complaint, my cabin mate's claim was denied while mine was finally put through for a total of $361.61 reimbursement, which didn't even include the $500 for food during 5 days in quarantine in London. They (Aon) reimbursed me $209.72 for food, which is less than the receipts I submitted. They reimbursed me for one of three lost nights. Because I only have paperwork stating I was quarantined onboard for two nights, I'll have to settle for two. I'd like to know what happened to the 150% trip interruption prominently displayed on the schedule of benefits on the Aon policy. Oh wait, that shows "Maximum benefit" which leaves them wiggle room to pay anything UP TO that amount. 

    I've already appealed the decision, but I find it highly suspicious that I couldn't get any response until I involved a government watchdog organization.

  4. 1 hour ago, drbeamer said:

    @venussuzWe FINALLY got our reimbursement after filing complaint with the state insurance commission. What an ordeal. I hope you get yours soon

    SO glad to hear, err read it! We just filed complaints with the state insurance commission last week. Sounds like it will be two to four weeks to get a response, which is Miles better than the nine months we've waited thus far.

    Advice much appreciated as I never would have thought to file a complaint with the state - add the Better Business Bureau and the Michigan state AG as well because my sister is nothing if not thorough. 

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, HardestyHouse said:


    I knew it was going to be Aon. You might want to file a complaint with your state's (or territory's) insurance commission. We just had to do so after waiting 9 months for payment on Covid interruptions on a June TA. We haven't been paid anything despite filing two days after getting home in June 2022.

    • Like 1
  6. Similar here as well, in that we disembarked June 13, stayed in a quarantine hotel outside of London for five nights, then flew home. We had the platinum insurance as well, filed the claim June 19th and the claim has been "in progress" since mid August. I've been trying to deal with Aon "Absolutely you've submitted everything you needed to. You just need to wait for the examiner to finish with it." Then they requested my positive Covid test again last month - I sent it for the third time. A week later I got an email requiring the proof for my hotel stay as well as documentation for all meals. I sent that for the third time. I haven't received a check but I know two of the people in our group each got a check for a random amount ($247 or some such) in August. The other four haven't gotten a thing from Aon or Princess. 

    @PKlein9747  I will definitely try to contact Princess Solutions tomorrow. If that doesn't work I'll file a complaint with the state's insurance commissioner.  

  7. 43 minutes ago, riffatsea said:

    I am confused?

    I thought AON was an insurance company

    If you bought trip insurance with them then you can talk to them directly

    If you didn't buy a policy with them then I wonder how you can collect from them??

    What am I missing?

    I'm in a similar situation, waiting for Aon Insurance to pay out for a TA last May - June. Filed the trip interruption request June 19, a day after getting home, and have got nothing but "apologies for the delay, we're Very busy" from both Princess and Aon. 

    I've yet to speak to anyone from either company not reading off a script.

  8. On 1/4/2023 at 8:02 PM, san diego sue said:

    There may be better ways now to handle some claims.

    We have the platinum Insurance through Princess (AON).

    Two weeks ago had to cancel a cruise that we would have gone on this week . Hubby is ill. All I  wanted was FCC. My travel agent said she would take care of it for us (I was pretty distraught with Hubby's being sick). She called Princess who said she had to go through AON even though all we want is FCC.

    On line she was asked to select either cash refund or FCC. She selected FCC. Then she spoke to someone live at AON. They told her for FCC they would refer it back to Princess to apply our FCC.

    That was done and four days later it was in my account. Day after I cancelled a portion was also a credit on my credit card. So now cancel for any reason seems to be an easier process.And I am so thankful I have a travel agent that knew how to handle things smoothly for me.Probably could have asked for a refund but would probably be waiting forever for the money and I couldn't deal with paperwork right now.

    At this point I'd gladly settle for FCC as I have a cruise payment due in a month that won't be happening without some form of payment from Aon. Not because I can't afford it but because I have zero faith in Princess making things right should anything go wrong. Yes, I was going to get different travel insurance but Princess messed this up in every way possible, from telling me to go wait in my cabin for a doctor one afternoon and not showing until my roommate called to tell them I was very sick 36 hours later. Every step after that has been either missed, delayed or obstructed by Aon/Princess' constant litany of "We're very busy right now, we'll help you when we can." 

    I'm very pleased to hear you got a positive resolution, but I don't believe it will happen for myself and others  without going through legal means.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, PacnGoNow said:

    Did you get covid before the cruise and gave to cancel?  Or, OB and asking for FCC’s?

    Can’t believe it’s so long. 

    We caught Covid onboard, ranging from day 5 to day 16. No FCC involved because we were told we had to go through AON. I applied through Princess to be reimbursed for meals during the 5 days required stay at a Covid hotel in October (applied in October - had Covid in June). No response from Princess or Aon other than emails confirming they received required documents (Aon) or received my request for the per diem for meals (Princess). 

    • Like 1
  10. On 12/17/2022 at 7:05 PM, Buckeye10640 said:

    For what its worth, I filed in March for trip interruption (cancelled return flight). It took 6 months but was paid in full - hotel, meals. transportation 

    THAT is what is bothering me -  on Tuesday, the 20th, it will be 6 months from the day we (6 of the 8 in our group caught Covid despite masking) filed for trip interruption with Aon. We have made no progress with them, other than being requested three months in a row to file the same paperwork on the 29th. That was in August, September and October though, and no new paperwork has been filed since September, yet I haven't received a dime from Aon or Princess and I'm fed the same line each time I call. Which is why I won't use Aon again, and quite possibly move on from Princess as well.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, ljandiernp said:

    The book is about the situation VERY early in the pandemic. Obviously, the cruise lines have had time to learn, assess and change their protocols by now. I have cruised once this year and never felt uncomfortable about my Covid risk, and I flew from the east to west coast to cruise.  I believe that the cruise lines are making an effort to reduce risk for everyone. Despite their efforts however, responses here on the message board would suggest that we have traded one unknown, that is how the virus is transmitted, for another, the risk of exposure to someone on board who believes their vacation is more important than mine. This makes me hesitant to cruise again for a while. I miss the direct supervision by the CDC because one can no longer track a ship or cruise line's Covid patterns.  Laurie


    It's possible to track a cruise ship's Covid situation by monitoring forums on social media (such as this) and set a news alert for the cruise ship/line you're on or will be on. Unless, of course, you're on a cruise with little to no internet as was the case this summer in Iceland. Beautiful country, wonderful crew, good food, but almost no internet after day three. 30kb download speeds get you nowhere with all those ads to load. 

    Right there with you about not cruising for a while. I've cancelled three I had booked since June.


  12. On 12/6/2022 at 9:43 PM, ljandiernp said:

    If you haven't read Cabin Fever about the impact of Covid on cruising, and how poorly the cruise industry is prepared for an outbreak, maybe you should....



    Thanks for the recommendation, I just got the audiobook and it's next on my to be read list. 

  13. 2 hours ago, fairie1960 said:

    I filed mine in August...still waiting.....

    I filed my claim in June - as I just told the CSR, if I don't have the $7000+ by the 20th, 6 months from the date I filed, I'm getting my lawyer involved. 

    Filing a complaint with the state insurance commissioner is a possibility until then. 

  14. 55 minutes ago, fairie1960 said:

    Well, here it is December, and I STILL haven't received anything from my AON claim that I filed back in August.  I know insurance companies aren't in a hurry to give you back your money when you have a valid claim, but...sheesh.


    Anyone have a different insurance provider that they can recommend?  We've stopped booking cruises until this is resolved, but now that it's still not been resolved, we're looking for other providers that might not be so slow to adjudicate valid claims.  Seems they took my payment when I booked the cruise fast enough😉


    Thanks for any advice!

    We have a cruise booked for May but I haven't and won't pay anything more than the deposit until we get the trip interruption reimbursement from Aon and the per diem for food from Princess. Final payment required early February - good chance I, at least, will be cancelling.

    I had planned to use Allianz if this cruise happens as both the price and protection are better than AON. 

    • Thanks 1
  15. On 10/7/2022 at 5:55 PM, Loveh2ofl said:

    In May on the Island Princess, our steward said policy was one time daily but he'd be happy to do twice if we wanted - we said yes.

    I don't remember our steward asking on the Island Princess but he was wonderful and made up the room soon after we left in the morning and did turndown service, removed any mess (dishes, towels) and left the Patter while we were at dinner every night. We couldn't have been more pleased by the service Roberto provided.

    • Like 1
  16. I don't know if this is an option for everyone but a blind friend we were cruising with arranged to have the Patter delivered to him in pdf format each morning or the night before so he could then use his screen reader to have the day's events read to him. He generally had a better idea of what was going on and where than the other five of us. 

    Many features of the Medallion app weren't functional for him, but ordering food and drink to wherever he was worked fine for him 95% of the time.

    • Thanks 1
  17. 6 hours ago, billco said:

    Duh! I didn't even notice the colon in the original link, removing it as you showed makes all the difference. Fortunately I was able to submit the request using ProfMHC's excellent pictures from the website.  

    From reading this and other forums, I expected the 3 to 6 month wait from AON though I of course hoped otherwise. What I didn't expect was being asked to provide the same documents three times now, which I have done. Better to send them multiple times than to be told they didn't receive them the first time. Three AON reps I've spoken to in three weeks have told me "Yes, they received all my documents, nothing more is needed," "No, they didn't receive any documents from me," (despite having receipts that they received them) and lastly "I'm unable to view your documents as they're coded confidential. Please send everything again." None of this is encouraging for a claim filed June 19.

    Two more months of not so patiently waiting.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  18. The app worked great for ordering food and drinks on our May-June Trans Atlantic cruise, but I have to say that delivery to the cabin was much slower (as long as 90 minutes by the end of the cruise) than anywhere else.

    Word of advice, make friends with a bartender or server at each location (tipping well doesn't hurt but being kind and courteous will do) and they'll generally come to get your order or deliver yours more swiftly than they do for others. One bartender on the Island Princess was exceptional for us, always greeted us by name and knew which drinks I was likely to order (strawberry daquiri or rum and Coke tonight?) without prompting. SO glad I tipped him well as we went rather than waiting as Covid had me laid up the last couple of days. I mentioned him and the gentleman at the buffet who was such a help to me in carrying things in the after cruise survey.

    Thanks to whoever it was who suggested getting a picture of your favorite staff, that way you'll know who to commend in the survey. That worked a charm where my memory failed me on a name.

  19. 2 hours ago, fairie1960 said:

    I was lucky in that Princess gave me the info (positive test result and letter telling me I would be disembarked), so at least I had that.  As for the per diem reimbursement, that's totally on Princess' end.  I filed a claim online on their site (http://www.princess.com/refund-request:), called Customer Service and asked to be connected to Customer Relations (the next step up).  The site form asks for receipts for the meals, but they're not required (per the Princess documents I received when disembarked AND per the CS rep I spoke to.  She told me I could upload whatever document I wanted, so I tried uploading the letter they gave me, but nothing worked.  SOOOOOO, I emailed the with my problem (customerrelations@princesscruises.com) and then 4 weeks later I spoke with a Customer Relations person named Mrs. Patterson who apologized profusely for the delay and confusion and expedited everything.  I had a check 2 weeks later.  Bottom line, for th per diem, you DO NOT go through AON, just directly through Princess.  I hope this helps, let me know if you need more info/help.

    I appreciate the link, but I'm afraid it's not working now nor was it working when I tried to use it in June. Emailing customer relations sounds like a good next step. Thanks for the help!

  20. 26 minutes ago, voljeep said:

    1/29/22 - passed out on REGAL while in Grand Turk

    5/4/22 - filed claim(s) with AON and UHC (medicare supplemental)  I know, I know

    7/6 - received payment in full, no deductible from UHC

    7/6 - reported payment received from UHC to AON

    8/19 - received check from AON for $128.53 which was for a couple of deductibles for ER and Dr. after returning home - $3.53 was for interest


    we didn't get reimbursed by either for a $28 medical records printout fee from REGAL medical center.

    others have reported they did


    my charge from REGAL medical was $1,205.74

    my follow-up at our local ER (weekend) was $15,052.34 - of which our share was $90.00

    my follow-up with Cardiologist was a $35.00 copay



    Thanks! It helps to hear a story of the process working, both with AON and UHC. I'm happy to hear things went well with your claims. 

    I hope you're doing better now. Given that I recognize your name and picture, I suspect that's true. 

    • Thanks 1
  21. Still waiting for a trip interruption claim filed June 19th. I had to provide proof that I tested positive for Covid with a quarantine order (both documents from Princess that I hadn't gotten until late September. I've been waiting since then with my case in processing and nobody at Aon able to tell me a reason for the delay. I suspect my two calls shuffled my claim to the bottom of the stack as suggested above. 

    I've learned to use another insurance company and get all documentation while onboard, regardless of having a high fever and feeling like crud. 

    Also no word about the reimbursement for meals while in a quarantine hotel in London. I know I read on here that Princess covers that but it seems I need to go through Aon and get denied first - going on 5 months later, no progress despite sending photos of receipts as directed by Aon.

  22. On 9/3/2022 at 8:41 PM, Steelers36 said:

    Right.  Yes, they did put a lot of ADA rooms there, with 4 gone.  So, IDK how much difference between PR711 and PR723 in terms of noise and vibration, for example.   Post #44 was a happy camper in PR703, so they of course had an ADA and only second cabin in so more distanced from the rear.  Still nervous about PR711 & PR712.


    ETA:  Did a search and asked a member about their experience and which cabin they were in back in 2021.   



    And this post goes into good details about the cabins and what's in the hallways and blank spaces.  They mention wind whistling, but no vibration.





    I was in PR709 for the May - June TA. The HA room was lovely, with the huge bathroom required for those who need them as well as the oversized balcony. I had no problem with vibration from the ship, slept like a baby every night. Would definitely recommend those cabins to anyone considering them. 

    • Thanks 1
  23. On 10/9/2022 at 11:13 AM, Rick&Jeannie said:

    Just in case anybody is interested...here was the Pub Lunch Menu:


    Pub Lunch Menu.jpg

    Thank you for posting this! I was hoping there would be a pub lunch on our Island Princess cruise, but I missed it if so. 


    Just curious, which did you choose? I'd have trouble deciding between the first three but likely go with the fish and chips though bangers and mash can be fantastic. 

  24. On 10/2/2022 at 2:03 PM, Rick&Jeannie said:

    Two observations:


    1) I thought that all of the ship's had fully embraced all of the technology that we've seen on the bigger ships. The Island is definitely "old school" as far as the photo gallery goes.  They still print out the hardcovers of photos for you to browse through instead of viewing them on a screen. That would seem to be in contradiction to cost saving policies. 


    2) I was very surprised to learn that neither main dining room is open for lunch. I don't think I've seen this on any ship/any cruise line.

    Dining rooms not open for lunch? Was that only on port days or every day, as both dining rooms were open for lunch during our TA. 

    As you said elsewhere, service slowed toward the end of our cruise, due to staff being out with Covid. 

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