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Posts posted by Ashley321

  1. We have only had the 2 shots last summer  but never did get a booster.

    We would like to go on a cruise in December of this year. 

    Is it mandatory to get a booster (especially it will be 1 1/2 years later since our 2 shots by the time we go on that cruise  ) or is it just recommended?

    If it is mandatory to get a booster, how many months before the cruise is the longest time from the cruise date is acceptable to cruise?

  2. I often just eat at the buffet. It's fast, and very good as well ,and it gives me more time to do other things. I'd take my plate out to the seating areas in the pool area.

    I am also a bit introverted , but I do love my time alone too.

    And with covid, I'd rather dine alone anyhow.


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  3. A while back,  Norwegian Cruise lines announced they were going to install medical grade HEPA filters across it's fleet.   These filters are estimated to remove 99.95 percent of all airborne pathogens that are 0.1 microns or larger. The COVID-19 pathogen is 25 percent larger than this standard, coming in at 0.125 microns. 


    So I have two questions:

    1- Does anyone know which other cruise lines have installed these filters?

    2- On any of the ships that it has been installed, has it made a difference in reducing covid cases on board?


    IF this works, this will be a major improvement to the cruise ship industry!



  4. We are going to be basing ourselves out of Florida for the next few months and go  on some last minute cruise deals.  If we get a positive test just before getting on the ship,... well.  we  will already be in Florida and will just wait until we recover and try again. So it will financially be worth it and there are great chances of getting upgrades right now too.  Plus , at this moment, there are less passengers so it will make for a more enjoyable cruise too. So personally, for us, it is a very good time to cruise 🙂

  5. I have a great tip!

    We cruised a lot of the years. but my husband caught colds/flu and even pneumonia twice after cruising.  We were at the point where we figured we really ought to not cruise anymore.  But then.... we found a solution.

    A medical doctor friend who happen to be on one of our cruises  felt so bad for my husband that he gave us his diffuser along with some eucalyptus essential oil.  We were on quite a few back to back cruises, and he was sick with a cold almost the entire time.  The next morning after a night of using the diffuser, he felt about 50 % better. And within a day or two , he was all recovered.  We used it all the time ever since. But initially , after the first  2 months, it broke.  Within a few days, he caught a terrible cold again.  Now we travel with 2 diffusers so we have a back up.  We have never caught the coronavirus or any cold or flu ever since.  (at times, we will feel we are coming down with something, but  we then go back to our cabin ASAP and the diffuser with ecalyptus oil seems to kick it out relatively quickly.  It works for us and several other friends of ours travel all the time with theirs too and have also stayed well.  It is worth a try along with the other great suggestions others are recommending.

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