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Posts posted by Mooreland1999

  1. Has anyone taken the overnight cruise from Vancouver Seattle on the Eurodam?  I need to be in Seattle in the morning and this cruise is not much more than the cost of a hotel room and dinner in downtown Seattle.  I was wondering if they typically have entertainment and activities like a typical multiday sailing.  I've never been on Holland America, so not even sure what normal is for them.

  2. Bumping this very old message to see if I can get more info. 

    On 6/26/2021 at 8:06 AM, choover2576 said:

    Will NCL bring a roll away?  The other option is possibility is for me to pack an air mattress.  

    Has anyone had experience with a rollaway in this room?  Does it fit OK?  As the above poster says, we will have two teenagers so only planning on having one on the sofa bed.  Was thinking a rollaway could fit next to it or in front of tv and the room would still have more floor space then other cabins.

  3. 21 hours ago, brillohead said:

    For whatever reason, Royal isn't using certification of recent COVID infection as a way to explain a current positive PCR result.


    I received a "Healthy Sail" email from RCCL which says:


    Certificate of Recovery: Instead of a negative pre-cruise test, a Certificate of Recovery and a positive PCR test taken between 11-90 days prior to our sail date can be provided to sail with us. To learn more, check out our dedicated FAQ here. Please note: we will not accept a Certificate of Recovery in the place of a vaccination record. Additionally, some ports of call do not accept Certificates of Recovery for the purposes of debarking and enjoying the destination.  

  4. I can't say that every ship is the same, but I've gotten PCR test onboard Oasis  Results took 1hr.


    Also, because of the PCR issue, most governments accept a medical certificate proofing recovery within some time frame of travel instead of negative test result.  Check RCCL facts to see their policy.

  5. 6 hours ago, Ashland said:

    Thanks...We think it will be easier to use our laptop to take the test. We understand now to change the time zone on it to reflect what time it will be in San Juan

    You are still missing the point.  The test results are going to be saved in UTC regardless of what timezone is set on your laptop.  Just like the result will be displayed on your phone converted to whatever timezone the phone is set to.

  6. 5 hours ago, D4 said:

    This is an interesting twist.  

    What about this scenario:

    - you print the result from the app that shows your home time zone

    - Then you change the time zone on your phone, and print the result from the app again.  

    Will the 2 printed reports show different times reflecting the 2 different time zones the phone was set to each time you printed from the app?


    I really appreciate everyone’s help.

    There is only one time.  UTC.  The test is stored in a database somewhere in UTC.  Anything you print or display in the app is simply converted for display/print purposes to whatever timezone your phone is set to.  If you want to spend the time and effort, you could print a seperate report in all 24 timezones if you would like. Or if you want to travel around the world, everytime you open the app it would show the test displayed  in a different time zone.

  7. I just took a look at the app again, in addition to the pdf copy you get from emed, you can also print a copy from the app and that will have whatever timzone your phone is set to.  So, if timezones are confusing you, sometime before departure, set your phone to San Juan time.  When your phone says it is the 18th in San Juan, take the test and print the result from the app.  You will then have your results with correct day and time that you want.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Just now, Ashland said:

    So now we'll need to change the time zone on our phone?

    And now just another thing to be confused about...lucky for those of you that aren't and for those of us trying to manage we appreciate your help.


    No, when you show  up in San Juan your phone will adjust automatically and the time on the digital result will also.  The bottom line is, take the test within two days of  departure in the timezone of departure.  If you do that, you are fine wether you have the app with correct timezone shown, or you need to explain it to a ticket agent,

  9. When you take the test, you get a pdf copy of the test from Emed and a digital "result" from Navica.  The paper copy has the time/date in UTC.  The digital copy has the time in whatever time zone your phone is set to.  Phones are smart and can do the math automatically.  If you have the paper copy and the ticket agent is not smart, you can do the math for them if you need to.  For those of you who taken the tests, just change the timezone on your phone manually and you will see the date/time change on the digital result.

    • Thanks 1
  10. For TSA air travel, the time window is based on the time zone of the departing flight.  I think, but can't find it specifically on RCCL website, that it is the same for them.  The time window is based on the departure day in ship time zone.  Again, you would need to confirm with RCCL, but your timezone and the timezone on the test shouldn't matter, only the departure day and test time converted to the ships local time should be relevant.

  11. On 2/3/2022 at 3:39 AM, twangster said:

    When I called they said the system just does that sometimes.  There were no penalties in play for either booking, for $28 or any other amount.  It was just a "yeah we have no idea why the system does crap" moment.  

    I've had this happen multiple times when making changes (fare adjustment, fcc application, etc..)  I would recommend anyone dealing directly with Royal always check and double check the numbers they give you.  I've never had an issue getting things resolved but it does take time and effort.

  12. I have had very good results with RCCL regarding FCCs and refunds but it rarely has been quick.  It seems if you talk to enough different people you eventually get what you need.  I have had FCCs switched to cash refunds and I even have had cruise fares paid with Gift Certificates returned as cash refunds.  I have retroactively applied FCCs to down payments and I have used FCCs to pay taxes and fees by booking a higher fare and then downgrading and getting a refund of the fare difference.  And this is all on the same booking.    

    • Like 2
  13. 37 minutes ago, Ashland said:

    So a lap top is a better choice? Thanks so much.

    There is a crude idiom about monkeys and footballs.  That is how I felt using the phone.  You need to be able to see the proctor on the screen to talk to them and follow along, but you also need to have the phone pointed at the test to show what you are doing.  Those seem to be conflicting goals.

    • Like 3
  14. 7 hours ago, Ashland said:

    What exactly happened when you were disconnected mid test...how easy was it to then sign in again and resume the process if you were during the 15 min wait time for results?

    It was during the 15 minute wait and the delay extended past the wait time.  I thought I was going to have problems, so I called them and they told me just to sign in again. I did and it resumed with the "finding someone to review results" step.


    As an FYI, this was the only time I had issues.  It was for a last minute trip and I was trying to do it on a desktop computer. I could not get any browser to work with my external web cam.  I have never had problems with a laptop and built in camera.  I had to switch to my phone (hence the battery problem.)  Note that there is no app if you use phone, you still need to use website.  Phone app is only for retrieving results.  I strongly suggest not using phone, unless you have a good way to mount it hands-free for the observation.

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  15. My wife and I have used the eMed Testing and Binax now tests a number of times for travel in multiple (countries/time zones) and never had a long wait <5mins.  I recently used one for boarding on Oasis.  My understanding is the problems they had with long wait times was around the Summer Olympics and after that fiasco they greatly increased staffing.  A couple notes from my usage:


    1. The test has to have the seal around it that says "Don't open until instructed to do so" to be compatible with the proctored service

    2. The test does not need to be used by the purchaser

    3. They do have expiration dates.  Some dates have been extended.  There is a spreadsheet online somewhere that lists the lot numbers with new expiration dates.  I have received expired tests.

    4. The system is fairly robust.  I was disconnected from the service in the middle of a test once because my battery died.  I reconnected about 15mins later and was still able to finish.

    5. For those wondering, it is a bit of an honor system.  They watch you take the test, but then you ask you to tell them what the result is (how many lines do you see?.)  Some proctors pay more attention then others.




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  16. Thanks again for all the answers.  Coco Cay is a bit of a conundrum for our group.  We are on a Caribbean cruise where 3/4 of the group doesn't like the beach and noone drinks.  Options are slightly limited.  We may try this thing people keep telling us about where you just lay around in the sun and relax.  Sounds difficult.

  17. Thanks for the great info.  I did find you responded to a similar post a couple years ago.  Should have searched better. I appreciate you answering again.  As for this question:


    6 hours ago, Guest 2000 said:

    Why would you need to stay on the beach side?  If you are entering the water against the wall you are still going toward deep water. I must not be understanding something.


    The answer is simple ignorance.  I look at the map and just see a bunch of coral which makes me wonder why I would swim all the way around to look at the far side when I could wade out 10' and see the close side.  Thanks for helping explain it.

  18. 5 hours ago, Guest 2000 said:

    Is there a reason I am unaware of NOT to go out via the green flags? 

    I thought the recommendation to go off the beach by the wall was to stay on the beach side, not to go out into the deeper part.  Is there a big difference between the reef on the outside and the inside?  How close is the top of the inner reef to the surface?    


  19. Thanks for the map.  I've heard some reviews that say the area right along the rock cliff is good with acces from the beach without having to go out the sand channel and along the outside.  Thoughts? 

  20. I'm going to be on a cruise in a couple months that includes a stop in Roatan.  We are planning on booking a private tour (probably through Rony's) and would like to do some snorkeling on our own.  We are not beach or even resort people and this entire concept of beach resorts/clubs, day passes, etc.. is foreign to us.  If we just go to lunch at Grand Roatan's Iron Grill, will we be able to simply snorkel from the beach there after lunch, or will we need to buy a pass?  Similarly, do "day passes" at other place include food, or are you just paying to access the water? 


    One more question, I've read the reef is really close to shore and pretty good at the Grand Roatan side of the beach.  If we snorkel there will we need fins?  We plan on bringing our own mask and snorkel.     



  21. FYI, for those interested in why I am a bit confused, the RCCL website page for Coco Cay actually shows paddle boats and catamarans on south beach.  Unfortunately, this seems to be only marketing and the "real" information I get indicates they don't exist.  At the below link, you can scroll down to "explore other neighborhoods" and see the south beach photo with personal watercraft.


    South Beach, Perfect Day at CocoCay | Royal Caribbean Cruises

    • Haha 1
  22. Thanks for the responses.  I've been getting mixed information.  I have seen pictures of small Catamarans on Coco Cay, and some posts here about them, but I think it was all before the renovation.  Most people, like SRF, say they haven't seen them.  I have also had seen mixed responses on these forums about the rental question.  Some say "yes" they do individual, hourly rentals, and some say no.  I'll see if I can a response directly from RCCL and see what they say.  

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