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Posts posted by Tatertotslady

  1. This specific thread convinced me to try the upgrade. Here is my experience. We will upgrade again as we found it to be worth the extra money. 

     My husband and I tried the upgrade on the Bliss in March.  We would start the day at Starbucks to get coffee.  We’d come back to Starbucks after breakfast for herbal iced tea or other drinks like bottled water to sip on during trivia.  

    Then we enjoyed trying the higher priced wines (me) and high end spirits (my husband) while staying hydrated with San Pelegríno at lunch, dinner and after dinner. I know the ship water is safe to drink but I’d rather drink San Pelegríno or still mineral water as it tastes better.  We did try the fresh squeezed grapefruit juice one day which was really good but it took a long time to make it. We’d sometimes get another Starbucks herbal tea (me) or Pink drink (my husband)  midday. We do not drink Starbucks on a routine basis - maybe once or twice a year as we see it as a waste of money. I’d rather brew my own coffee or drink hotel/restaurant coffee but coffee on any cruise ship is not good. We say we have $ to cruise because we don’t typically spend $ on Starbucks or other coffee places. 

    I personally loved the NCL East and West Red Blend which was considered Premium Plus. We also liked trying all kinds of other wines we normally would have considered too expensive to try. The one thing we wish we would have figured out earlier was the bottle of wine you could choose at dinner.  It may be a high end wine not available by the glass. My husband thought it was too expensive and reluctantly agreed for the Bliss cruise. We will be on the Jewel in a few weeks and my frugal husband is looking forward to this splurge as he wants to try some more high end whiskies, cognacs and bourbons. 

    Each person is so different but it enhanced our vacation to add this perk. We will do it again and previously thought it was a waste of money. 

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  2. Do you mean Premium Plus? My husband and I tried the upgrade on the Bliss in March.  We would start the day at Starbucks to get coffee.  We’d come back to Starbucks after breakfast for herbal iced tea or other drinks like bottled water to sip on during trivia.  

    Then we enjoyed trying the higher priced wines (me) and high end spirits (my husband) while staying hydrated with San Pelegríno at lunch, dinner and after dinner. I know the ship water is safe to drink but I’d rather drink San Pelegríno or still mineral water as it tastes better.  We did try the fresh squeezed grapefruit juice one day which was really good but it took a long time to make it. We’d sometimes get another Starbucks herbal tea (me) or Pink drink (my husband)  midday. We do not drink Starbucks on a routine basis - maybe once or twice a year as we see it as a waste of money. I’d rather brew my own coffee or drink hotel/restaurant coffee but coffee on any cruise ship is not good. We say we have $ to cruise because we don’t typically spend $ on Starbucks or other coffee places. 

    I personally loved the NCL East and West Red Blend which was considered Premium Plus. We also liked trying all kinds of other wines we normally would have considered too expensive to try. The one thing we wish we would have figured out earlier was the bottle of wine you could choose at dinner.  It may be a high end wine not available by the glass. My husband thought it was too expensive and reluctantly agreed for the Bliss cruise. We will be on the Jewel in a few weeks and my frugal husband is looking forward to this splurge as he wants to try some more high end whiskies, cognacs and bourbons. 

    Each person is so different but it enhanced our vacation to add this perk. We will do it again and previously thought it was a waste of money. 

  3. Yvonne - you are such a talented writer. I love your review. Thank you for taking the time to do this. 

    For some reason I think I read somewhere in a previous post that you said something about the little hashbrowns being replaced. Is that true or am I mistaken? If true, this is 1000 times worse than the soft serve ice cream machines being broken. 

    Enjoy you final days.  

    ps. If you feel like adding a daily, that would be most appreciated! 🙂

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  4. Happy Birthday, Yvonne! Looks like you are being treated very well! Love the photos and thank you again for posting another daily. For all the parents with young kids, I hope they will be able to open Splash Academy for more hours. It is interesting to read on the daily that it is very limited now but I am sure there aren't too many kids on these recent sailings.


    @kattybiz Thank you for sharing more about your recent experience with the entertainers! We have enjoyed listening to so many talented musicians on our past cruises. 

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  5. Wow! The glacier photos are spectacular!  Looks like you did have a perfect day! Thank you for sharing the tip on the salmon being available. 


    Thank you so much for posting the daily! It is reassuring to know what to expect for the smaller entertainment venues like Nathaniel Reed and Fire and Ice in Magnums or Bliss Lounge or D'Revelation in Spinnaker. We typically don't go to the Theater. 

    Any favorites individuals, duos or groups in the smaller venues?

    Again, thank you so much for posting the daily. If you are willing to post any others, we would greatly appreciate it! Enjoy the second half of your cruise!

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